In "The Death of Eric Cartman" all of the kids at South Park Elementary decide to ignore Cartman because they feel he is a "son of a bitch". In the Season Three episode, "The Succubus", when he cannot see Kenny (who was crushed seconds earlier) he calls out "Guys? Also in "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000" he threw a rock at Tolkien, giving him a black eye. Cartman's friendships with the other kids are clearly existent, but just not shown as much because of his personality. In "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy", it is shown that Cartman's idea of sexual intercourse is to "Stick it inside her and pee. He constantly uses it to abuse suspects and criminals, usually hitting them in the legs. Cartman has been shown to go to great lengths to get revenge on people who did relatively minor things. These feelings are directly influenced by the other girls, who laugh at her, and tease her for ever dating him, albeit playfully. He is also racist and stereotypes almost everyone he sees. Cartman also seems to have no qualms about seriously invading Kyle's personal space, as shown in a scene from "ManBearPig" wherein Cartman, while contemplating his hatred for Kyle, looms a mere inch or two from Kyle's face as he sleeps; soon Kyle wakes up and yells, "Dude, get away from me!". Cartman is also the only person who seems to realize he dies more than once. Knowing that his satisfaction chiefly comes with seeing other people unhappy, Kyle once deliberately congratulated Cartman on winning a bet. A criminal record check includes information about: Specific arrests, convictions, penalties (such as prison time, probation, and parole). ", to which he responds "holy shit", as the end credits begin. Cartman is probably the only friend he has, Cartman and Jackson have a very good relationship together. "Whateva, I'll do what I want!" Cartman tells her that he does not think she is ugly, which makes Shelley feel better. Although Cartman can at times be worldly, he is often wildly misinformed; he once believed that dolphins lived in igloos and mistook a canned food drive for 'when you cut open a chick's stomach and pull out the baby from inside,' and mistakes sexual harassment when 'you're having intercourse with a lady friend and someone tickles your balls from behind. Cartman is also shown to type very fast, as he wrote apparent emails about a teenage girl having a sexual affair with The Psychologist. Also, in "Imaginationland, Episode II" and "Imaginationland, Episode III", he is talking about how he should take his picture of Kyle sucking his balls. Cartman's extended family is shown in the episode "Merry Christmas Charlie Manson! Cartmans ass is shown to be very powerful in two ways: Cartman successfully fights off Craig using his ass in ". Because of Cartman's selfish personality, his friendship with Kenny is not as obvious as Stan and Kyle's, and it sometimes looks fake, but it is clearly existent. Cartman is shown carrying more weapons than any other kid in South Park, although where he obtains these weapons is never properly explained. In "Skank Hunt" Clyde joins Stan, Kyle, Butters, Jimmy, Craig and Tolkien to smash all of Cartman's electronics due them think that he is Skankhunt42. He has some Dutch and Irish descent, as in "Tom's Rhinoplasty", he mentions that his grandmother (Mabel) is Dutch-Irish. (He's a Jew. He is the only one not invited to the girls' party in ", Cartman saved Kyle for the sole reason to pick on him and have something to do in ". Cartman shows a pathological degree of impatience when forced to do something he does not want to do or when he has to wait for something he wants. However, Scott discovered that Jack Tenorman was also his father, much to his shock, but not because he killed his own dad, but because he is half-ginger, ever since Cartman vowed to get revenge on Tenorman again and get the last laugh. He later does this again, going off the race track and into a trailer campsite, presumably killing many people. Cartman's criminal record includes kidnapping Butters, framing Liane for operating a methamphetamine lab . In "Dead Celebrities" Cartman shows surprising respect and loyalty to Billy Mays for introducing him to the product Chipotlaway, which allows him to continue eating at Chipotle despite the fact that it causes blood to stain his underwear. This particular prejudice most probably originated from the notorious incident with Scott Tenorman, who had red hair and freckles, although it may also be partially due to the fact that Kyle has red hair and Liane Cartman's presumed prejudice against red haired people. He has been arrested for his mistakenly assumed hate crime, kidnapping Butters, framing Liane for operating a meth lab, being with Stan Marsh on "Whale Whores" (The prison Cartman went to for this assumed crime was Japanese), and incarcerating hippies. . Many of Cartman's mannerisms were revealed to be inherited in "Merry Christmas Charlie Manson! Shelley babysits Cartman in "Cat Orgy", after his mom goes off to attend the Meteor Shower party. The two get on well together, although this was only due to her breasts. In order to further prevent the truth from coming out, the two journey to SpaceX in "Oh, Jeez" to get to Mars. But while Cartman and Kyle are going door to door to recruit more followers Stan . During this encounter, they found out that they had a lot in common with each other. Although he has committed many atrocities and crimes, he has only been arrested seven times. "If you had a chance to go back in time right now and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it? Cartmanland. For example, in "Fat Butt and Pancake Head", Cartman dreams of taunting Kyle ("I told ya so!") Cartman is horrified to learn that Scott's father was also his father. In the "The Unaired Pilot" episode, Cartman was shown to have a father and sister, but these characters were cut out in the official pilot. His most frequent targets are adults and Butters, though he often targets other children for more personal purposes, including convincing Butters to "take one for the team" and be anally gang-raped by men from NAMBLA in "Cartman Joins NAMBLA", and repeatedly convincing Kyle that he is doing good, only to exploit Kyle's help later on. If you like this article you can also visit . In several episodes throughout the series, he employs this skill to get what he wants. However, there are many moments where they are at ends like earlier in the series, such as in the Coon trilogy. Cartman and Stan's friendship is clearly existent but it is very tense. In Stan's house when they were sleeping, he was sleeping next to him. In "Red Hot Catholic Love", he won $20 in a bet with Kyle, but, instead of using the money, he simply kept flaunting it in front of Kyle until Kyle conceded that Cartman was right, ruining his sense of victory and causing him to throw a tantrum (and apparently even abandon the money and having it given back to Kyle). The episode is based on the ever growing Facebook craze. This implies he has a strong hatred for her, however he is defensive of her whenever her promiscuous nature comes into question during earlier seasons, as well as being disturbed during "South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut" to discover she was a star in a German pornographic video. He devises elaborate plans to achieve his goals, sometimes presenting them to his friends using a whiteboard. In "Kenny Dies", he is distraught at Kenny's impending death leading Kyle to console him. Everyone but Kyle likes the story, including Stan. Grand Wizard Cartman lies to the police, claiming that he had his cat put down when he really is hiding his cat in the attic. The family is seen again in the episode "Cartmanland", at his grandmother's funeral. The two of them often have arguments about morals, like in "Up the Down Steroid", where Cartman decides to pretend to be mentally handicapped so he can win the "Special Olympics". Cartman appears to have a very strong hatred for Kyle, and shows that he has no tolerance for Kyle's Jewish faith. Age ", it is revealed that Cartman has an exceptionally tiny penis (even for a boy of 9 years old), and the insecurity of that seems to a leading or at least additional factor driving Cartman's psychotic rages. Cartman can, on rare occasions, show compassion towards cats, as in "Major Boobage" in which he hides cats in his attic from the authorities. The series launched in the summer of 1997 with "Cartman Gets An Anal Probe" which saw the town of South Park visited by aliens who repeatedly abduct Cartman at night and install an anal probe that begins to oddly affect his behavior. Despite this, in "Member Berries" he was shown to still not have learned this. In these episodes, he usually convinces Kyle that he has good intentions, such as in the "Cartoon Wars" two-parter, where Cartman appears to Kyle that he is concerned about people's safety at the beginning, but it is later shown to only have been doing it to get Family Guy off the air. He claims to be able to speak Spanish in "Rainforest Shmainforest", when he tells a Costa Rican freedom fighter that he wants burritos, and in "My Future Self n' Me", he actually speaks Spanish to the Mexican workers hired to smear Butters home with excrement. Prototype Contents 1 Life and History 2 Grounded Moments 3 Criminal Record 4 Health 5 Injuries 6 Talents and Interests 6.1 Intelligence and Memory 6.2 Dance 6.3 Singing and Music Cartman's criminal record includes but is not limited to: Cartman as a Ginger kid in "Ginger Kids". Cartman hates ginger kids a lot because he thinks that they would take over the world someday and are soulless. ", in which most of the Cartman family were depicted in a similar manner. In "Cartman Joins NAMBLA", his attempt to find older friends winds up with him almost being molested by members of the NAMBLA. Cartman's games with these toys can demonstrate his vindictive and cruel nature; one of his games, as seen in aforementioned episode, is "Lambs", in which Cartman reenacts scenes from "The Silence of the Lambs" with his dolls, such as placing a doll in a pit in his basement and then voicing the doll begging to be released while the doll holding it prisoner threatens the pit-bound doll. Although Cartman was proven to be right, Kyle refused, causing Cartman to become obsessed, and began going to extreme lengths to force Kyle to suck on his balls. Earlier in that episode, he had rallied all the gingers into a genocidal frenzy, convincing them that all non-gingers are inferior in a Hitler or KKK-esque way, as well as stage violent protests and march down the streets chanting "red power!". South Park: Eric Cartman, Best Of Season 14 - PART 1, South Park: Eric Cartman, Best Of Season 10 PART 3 - Season 11 - PART 1, South Park, Eric Cartman, Butt. He has been shown to harass and bully people at his school, and, as a result, many people in the show despise him. In "The Death of Eric Cartman", Cartman remorsefully apologizes to Tolkien for ripping on him for being black (thinking that he was a ghost and does not realize that he was being ignored at the time). When it is revealed that all the Blaintologists are to commit mass suicide in Washington D.C. to further their cause, Cartman becomes overjoyed, even turning on Kyle who did not agree in such an act. ", Cartman saves Kyle and his family when a large storm is about to go towards their house in San Francisco. Student South Park is a long-running animated sitcom consisting of 25 seasons.Focusing on four crude and vulgar friends, South Park is full of hilarious characters. Even then he was released almost immediately after his arrest. Cartman seems to be motivated not so much by personal gain as by asserting superiority over others. Indeed, the others consistently show a willingness to follow him and trust in his leadership when he is using his abilities for "good.". However, in "200", Cartman brings back Mitch Conner to swindle a group of celebrities, and again proceeds to argue with his hand and disagreeing with it, despite the fact there is no one around him to trick, leading one to believe that Cartman really believes the hand is a person. (We must exterminate the Jews!). to send a message to an anger management psychologist's wife in mere minutes, making it look like a police report; Cartman had to find the location / number of The Psychologist in order to send the message. He lies to her and blames the incidents on Jimmy Valmer. Kitty's being a dildo!" Confused, the horrified doctor hears her shoot herself with a gun over the phone, Looking back at his patient, Cartman says in a cold voice, "I'm not fat, I'm big boned". Scott then explains that his own father was a member of the Broncos, and the only one who lived in South Park. In "City on the Edge of Forever (Flashbacks)", Cartman is telling a story and has Kenny dying at the end, even though Kenny had died minutes before by being eaten by the giant black monster outside the bus. However, Cartman seems to have a grasp of cheating strategies (as seen in "Eek, A Penis!".) Cartman was the first one of the boys to be shown without his hat, as seen in "Merry Christmas Charlie Manson!". At the end of the trilogy's third part, Cartman conjures up an imaginary Kyle to suck the balls of an imaginary Cartman. In "Go God Go" he gets Butters to bury him in snow so that he can be unfrozen three weeks later in time for the release of the Wii video game console. [2], Contrary to popular belief that Cartman's name was derived from German war-pilot Erich Hartmann (which would reflect his love of Hitler and the Nazis), Cartman's name and personality are based on Matt Karpman, a friend of Matt Stone and Trey Parker. It is also worth noting that Cartman is completely oblivious to the fact the other kids hate him, and often assumes they are joking when they imply or even openly declare it. " The Death of Eric Cartman " is the sixth episode in the ninth season of the American animated television series South Park. After watching the Terrance and Phillip commercial in the episode "The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer", he immediately calls Clyde and goes to his house to watch it again. According to the girls, Cartman is the ugliest boy in their class, likely because of his weight. He also has displayed traits of gender confusion; he occasionally has tea parties with stuffed dolls (pretending they are talking about how cool he is), owns a (supposed) female cat named "Mr. Kitty", and in "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society", he was seen re-enacting a scene from The Silence of the Lambs as Buffalo Bill with a rag doll he named Polly Prissy-Pants trapped down a well. ", but leaves after he is put into a "gay" move by Butters, who was told by the teacher to do so. As a result, at the episode's end with Cartman and Kyle playing video games together, the pair offer each other kind smiles, showing their friendship growing even further. In this episode, however, he was diagnosed with tonsillitis and his tonsils had to be removed. Cartman is shown in "T.M.I." Cartman seems to grow more hate and always assaults Wendy when he gets any chance in "Dances with Smurfs" as he may still hold a grudge against Wendy after being beaten up by her in "Breast Cancer Show Ever ". ", showing that he might consider Kenny a close friend. Cartman was placed tenth on TV Guide's 2002 list of the "50 Greatest Cartoon Characters of All Time". He plays the piano quite well in the episode "Christian Rock Hard" (although the piano plays by itself whilst he is singing so it may be a player piano and Cartman cannot play it), the violin in "Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes", the French horn in "Summer Sucks", the drums in "The Red Badge of Gayness", the harmonica in "Jakovasaurs" and "Whale Whores", the recorder flute in "World Wide Recorder Concert", the acoustic guitar in "Chinpokomon", and pan flute in "Pandemic". After being told by Kyle and Stan that being photographed that way is humiliating him rather than Butters (in other words, being photographed in such a way makes him gay), Cartman then seeks out Butters to make him put his penis in Butters' mouth, but this fails, as the both of them are caught by Butters' father. However, his uncanny skill at manipulation, bilingualism, and ability to create elaborate schemes which are often effective imply a high intellect, despite his ignorance. In "Follow That Egg! The hand also claims to have knowledge that Cartman does not, such as who Cartman's father really is. Although to be fair, these are all incredibly tame compared to everything he did that he managed not to get arrested for! Jack Tenorman Cartman frequently bursts into song spontaneously, sometimes with melodies and topical lyrics of his own devising, although his musical talent is questionable. In "D-Yikes! when an opponent beats him, or 'You tricked me!' His sexism is also seen in the series as he hates girls too but that is because he is sexually confused. Another contradiction occurs in "Tsst", when Cartman compares his mother who had been instructed how to treat her rampantly egocentric son by the Dog Whisperer, with Hitler, as a reason why she should be killed (although this is probably because Cartman is not being allowed to indulge in his personal desires). 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