Call it innocent by reason of successful cover-up. Surely if the hospital was connected with institutional accidental or deliberate poisonings, this would have been reported in the media? It wasnt clear what type of poison he used on that occasion. She loved him unconditionally and he latched onto her for his own gain. That makes no sense. Our King and redeemer Jesus Christ the son of God. Testifying on his own behalf at the trial, Richard Lyon tried to implicate Bagwell. No fingerprints. He produced diary entries detailing childhood sexual abuse Nancys brother had allegedly perpetrated against her. Coincidentally, the condo is owned by a real estate developer who is connected to Trammel Crow. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but please dont let that stop you! Many examples of such, especially in TX. What does that have to do with the poison pills given to Nancy, the empty capsules matching those pills in Richards apartment, or the forged documents (fake receipt and diary entries) found to be in Richards handwriting? And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. To say this was accidental is absolute insanity. If there is a guilty party here, it is the hospital. He did not lie or forge anything. I know I need to be nice! Lyons claims that his absence from the home on the day his wife became seriously ill is his alibi, when in fact he might have added poison to any one of numerous substances in the house that his wife could have ingested. A serpent? Since then, Ive been stuck in elevators 5 more times (a different building), although I know how to get out myself, from that first time. Your email address will not be published. Never loved her. That couldnt had been easy for them. William Dillard, Jr. and his wife Mary Helen raised Anna and Allison. Her condition deteriorated overtime and her organs started to fail. The inheriting of considerable wealth (presumably) has been a perfectly sufficient motive for numerous others murderers and while its no proof in itself, what makes it unlikely in his case in the absence of stronger contenders AND with other suspicious circumstances AND with a wife he evidently cared little for given his affair? Im not suggesting this is so simply that interpretation rather than assumption should be made. You are absolutely correct. Juries, and people in general, often give DAs and the police, benefit of the doubt. She died before they had a chance, on January 14, 1991, at the age of 37. He is right where he belongs and that is in prison. The owl + drugs & wine + Kathleens panic may very well be the cause of her death. They even put a picture of an owl on an FBIs most wanted poster. I think William Dillard Jr. has a lot to do with it. He was cruel and callous in watching her slowly die! Never loved her. On his most recent review date, February 3, 2016, a parole board denied him again and specified the reasons as elements of brutality, violence and conscious selection of victims vulnerability.. I imagine that if you had evidence that you ingested arsenic at the hospital, and not prior to admission, the police would investigate the hospital. If a third-party, how were they accessing her victuals to administer low-dose poison over weeks? I cannot pretend to know what happened between Richard and Nancy, but I believed then, as now, that Richard loved her once as deeply as he must have grown to hate her. The above very briefly explains something of why the US has this principle though it cant justify it, which is a different question! As a police rep on one FF ep commented of a conviction the case of which was re-tried, resulting in acquittal, said: What do you say? No evidence? Tim, thanks so much for the kind words about the blog! I understand their concern. In 1991 Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Dallas real estate tycoon, was murdered, poisoned with arsenic. Perhaps others can cite examples. For all I know, you are a suspect trying to keep all eyes on Richard. If self-inflicted why? And Leslie is correct. Especially their murderer of a father who killed their mother Im sure. So its the hospitals fault now? I wonder if theyve given up the fight or if its just an oversight? Based on his trial., 12/16/2016 Dallas, Texas. He attended the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, then headed to the Harvard School of Design for a graduate degree in landscaping and architecture. Richard never denied the affair and has done his penance for it. But a Texas court rejected his blame-the-victim strategy, which included a contention that Nancy had brought about her own slow demise by intentionally consuming arsenic and barium carbonate over a long period of time. You are the one who seems to believe in fiction by defending this scumbag tooth and nails. Thats just a statement that you made up off the top of your head with no basis in reality at all. RR. Just because youre not aware of who the third party might have been means there wasnt any?! That Richard should rot in jail when he dies, should rot in hell. View Nancy Dillard's obituary, contribute to their memorial, see their funeral service details, and more. Short time for jury to make a decision. Youre crazy (or stupid) if you believe that. Quoting from trial transcripts is all very well but their content is what convinced the jury. I hope he rots slowly where he is. You got the nerve to use the word fiction? Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I would have cooked, cleaned, take care of my life. Eves belief that he was poisoning her either suggests he may have been (with other circumstantial evidence) or she was framing him. So many people in this day and age afraid to do or say anything. Then the police found a shocking note which Nancy wrote accusing her older brother Bill of sexually abusing her as a child. Homewrecker. Forensic tests. First published November 1, 1993. Richard gave those vitamins (filled with rat poison) to Nancy, and he still had the empty capsules. He MUST have done SOMETHING for the police to be looking at him, sometimes before the person is even charged? Even a cursory reading of his support materials makes it obvious why none of the innocence projects will take his case. Owls HAVE attacked, and just because its bizarre, combined with a past that made him look guilty, doesnt mean it didnt happen. Perhaps we should have a new category of not guilty by reason of successful cover-up.. Nice playacting. And in case that didnt work, Richard could rely on a receipt for arsenic trioxide, barium carbonate, and two other deadly substances signed by Nancy as evidence that she deliberately poisoned herself. Nancy Dillard Lyon, on the other hand, was not as fortunate. Where it is shown that prosecutors have materially contributed and certainly likely caused wrongful conviction, they should be sentenced to a proportion of the sentence their victims received, in my view. So at the first sign of trouble in a marriage STOP! Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, he alleged. 3) Nancy told MULTIPLE, trustworthy witnesses that Richard was trying to poison her. There is sin and there is SIN. Amazing that Richard nor the cleaning company did not find them. But did the evidence support this conviction? The owl did it. Situation like that they could had hired to handle the cause of the issue! It certainly doesnt mean thats the case here, and I dont believe it is. My husband had read the book before he had ever met him. Do you think you can make it downstairs? Gayle Golden overheard Richard say to Nancy in a sweet voice. And a bigger shame that if she suspected he was poisoning her that she didnt simply get as far away from him as she could. Many doctors discount what their patients say, and hospital staff are often overworked with little sleep. Another way of stating: the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation. The woman who rented the condo cannot be located a tip off that she was paid off. Firstly, it is difficult to take responsibility for an action that you did not do. Nothing to eat there but I eyed the corn seeds and I nibbled a bag of the dried dessicated (arsenic-treated) kernals. You are making all these statements about him that you believe are facts. Who cares if he/she is innocent? Which had proven his lies!! While the rest of us have the opinion he is guilty. Michigan lacks the death penalty but life usually means life without an outright exoneration. He became eligible for parole 15 years later in 2006. They want to die but dont want to kill themselves outright. Sweet set-up. Nancy Dillard Lyon, the Harvard-educated daughter of one of Texas's wealthiest real estate tycoons, died at age 37 in January 1991. Thats how it works. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one. If Eve had life insurance in Adams favour (or he thought so), and if he were short of money cos of high living, including trying to impress his new girlfriend, with unpaid bills, those are reasonably probative; and unless Eve elaborately set Adam up, a string of witnesses chronicling how they had signed for chemicals addressed to Adam is probative despite absence of proof that he ordered them. More than one some years. This is such a tragic case for all involved. Michael Mortens case is probably the best example. Man has to answer to man what comes later is based on personal belief. Lyon later admitted to buying some poisons, for killing fire ants in his yard, he said. A Husband Tries to Mess with TexasWriters Block, (Forensic Files). These facts dont constitute a dangerously unscrupulous person and arent probative of murder. Because it follows along the south fork of Fish . More importantly, someone seems to put an awful lot of pressure on people to not take the case or talk about it. If Lyon had been a Texan cop, he may have gotten only 20 years for murder as Joseph Kent McGowen did. This is not the case with Richard Lyon. In murdering Nancy five years later, Richard Lyon took away yet another child from the Dillard family. Funny how people can put all their energy and concern into the guilty and never show any real concern for the true victims. If you have a specific comment and question, please post it on the website and we will be happy to address it. Chemical Engineering Co., where Richard claimed the arsenic came from, said that the receipts it issued to customers looked nothing like the one Richard presented; it was fabricated evidence. But he was ready for a criminal investigation into Nancy Dillard Lyons death just the same. By 1990, they had two small daughters and lots of friends, swam at the country club, and joined in vacations underwritten by Nancys parents, William W. Dillard Sr. and Sue Stubbs Dillard. I realize that some people think youre innocent unless you leave a full video diary detailing your actions. Richard began an affair with a coworker named Tami Ayn Gaisford around 1989. My state is only slightly better. That was my thought when her brother, who molested her so bad she needed surgical repair, filed for custody of her GIRLS before Nancy was barely cold in her grave! Its bizarre, and if anyone ever suspected me of murder, it may look bad (they had nothing to do with me). As for the NY Times article about the arsenic in the wood, both the wife and the husband in that article had high arsenic levels. So, Richard has fans, people writing or calling or visiting him from the FRL. You also dont accidentally forge documents. He thought Nancy was a money making machine!!!! You imply it was deliberate. Evil he is. Lyons sentence began on December 19, 1991 less than a year after Nancy Dillard Lyon died. But I have faith. Who are we to judge! If Richard didnt do it, he fatally weakened his case by lying and forgery. And was it the hospital that forged documents to make it look like Nancy ordered the arsenic? Wondered who was from UK. I have watched MANY juries convict for murder on VERY little evidence. She told the doctor (her psychiatrist/psychologist) that she believed Richard was systematically poisoning her thats directly from the victim! Thanks for reading about the Michael Morton case. Who buys accidental poisoning? We will all stand before God and have to answer for the things we have done in this life whether they be big or small. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. No other reason fits everything. Personally, Id probably force a mistrial, as I care far more for real justice, than the law. I believe they definitely got it right in this case, but how many times have you heard people say, Where theres smoke, theres fire. Death bed declarations are not considered hearsay. Then, theres the empty capsules found at Richards, and especially the bogus so-called-receipt, that Nancy supposedly signed, for a number of poisons, that Richard found. At some point, he switched to arsenic, which he probably put in her food and a bottle of wine left anonymously on their porch. Do you know how to spot a liar with a business proposal? Or the forged receipt with her name on it (typed receipt, but all receipts in that business were done by hand no typewriter), or the forged diary entries. This was not true. 30 years in jail I dont think you can say he got away with it! Lilis presumed (because ambiguous) claim is far too tenuous as it stands to mean anything (see the questions I ask). Given the terrible death he inflicted on their mother, Id be surprised (but certainly wouldnt judge them; when theyve lost one, the other, however poor, may be better than none). And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. This scenario was found less likely than that she was poisoned which is reasonable and with which I agree. And this website/belief/him takes up a very large part of your life, doesnt it? OBVIOUSLY, he created it. I bet someone puts money in his commissary account and writes letters to anyone and everyone to plead his case. The part about conspiring to cheat while college kids is intriguing. Next parole date is 2/2026. And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. And its a real shame that good decent people are often the victims of narcissistic creeps. It no longer exists. He was guilty of one thing adultery, and for that he has paid a dear price. Lies, thievery, and in this case cold blooded murder. It was a fake receipt that Richard discovered himself, that pointed away from Richard, and blamed the victim! Your statement he probably is your opinion. Nancy's brother became convinced her adulterous husband, Richard, was responsible. I hope he rots in jail for the rest of his pathetic life. Taking a mother from her kids proves hes pure evil and also, the fact that not one single legal nonprofit wanted to take his case speaks volumes. Surely the only role of the hospital would be to certify that you had been poisoned? The Nancy Dillard Lyon case from the early 1990s was an arsenic poisoning and that really was interesting because poisoning homicides are pretty uncommon. Good thing youre not a detective! But, as every Forensic Files watcher knows, idyllic-looking existences tend to give way. Ill carry you.. Im Surprised He Didnt Get The Death Penalty!! I watched Richard cry as the letter was read. Anna is now a dentist in the Dallas area. In Richards appeal for a new trial, which was denied, it would have proven the hand writing expert wrong. Sa. You are a fool. Very glad to hear hes still behind razor wire. Do not listen to others who have ulterior motives or derogatory speech. His father sold insurance. No problem. But did the evidence support this conviction?Mystery novelist A. W. Gray made his nonfiction debut with this . Hes a man that didnt want to be married, pay child support, and keep her insurance policy. And yes, there are MANY innocent people in jail, and on death row, especially in Texas. I bet you that Friends of Richard Lyon are either one or both of his daughters, or someone hes dating or doing a sweetheart hustle on from jail (a common hustle where inmates answer singles ads and con women into sending them money). . She had nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. And so Richard wasarrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. One of them ended up serving a life sentence in a Federal prison; the other ended up dead. S: The jury found it implausible that Nancy would choose to die a protracted, painful death (who would, knowing that having given yourself the chance to change your mind, youd done serious permanent damage to yourself?) No rescue. The doctors who took care of Lyon made 2 phone calls to the Dallas County Police and to medical examiner Jeffrey Barnard listing that her death looked like a homicide. Find a Patsy. Invite friends and neighbors over to watch. Per se they dont amount to guilt, but a jury will aways ask why they were engaged in (One reason might be to strengthen genuine innocence post hoc that one fears will be insufficiently compelling but an intelligent man such as this would have to be extremely foolish to forge evidence and to have thought he could get away with it. Do you have evidence or first hand account? You are joking right! A LOT of moronic jurors out there and guilty people go free and sadly innocent people go to prison. Search obituaries CALL NOW Alexandria (318) 442-3363 Pineville (318) 640-1678 Jena (318) 992-4158 Marksville (318) 253-5979 Toggle navigation Thats all for this post. Inconclusive. She married Richard Lyon who was also in real estate development but was not nearly as successful as Nancy Lyon. Nancy was so cute and innocent I wish she was my wife. Nancys death was a tragedy all the way around and has affected many lives. Richard is innocent. And whats with this Adam and Eve nonsense?! Well I do hope their uncle did not destroy the childrens innocence. 3) Richards handwriting was identified by a forensic expert in Nancys diary accusing her brother of sexually abusing her. Nancy was almost 30 by the time they graduated in 1981. The colonists were also familiar with how narrowly the right against double jeopardy had been defined in England and sought to enlarge the definition by making the right against double jeopardy applicable to all crimes not just capital felonies. Friends: Ive done an (inexhaustive) internet search for dallas presbyterian hospital arsenic and dallas presbyterian hospital poisoning. Only the Lyon case shows. . Ladies, if you think your husband is trying to kill you (or husbands who think their wives are trying to kill them), make sure you tell your spouse that you changed your life insurance and/or will . 100 times the normal level of arsenic in her body suggests that much was consumed but over a long period. But what makes you suspicious that you were poisoned at the hospital and not before? There is only one that will judge who has been given the Authority and Power to have seen all things. There was no proof that Richard had any arsenic, Nancy had no arsenic in her stomach, there was no arsenic found in any of the food or in the house, the pill bottles did not contain poison nor Richards fingerprints, and they were found over six months after Richard left the condo (which the police had access to) and the condo was owned by a friend of Tramwell Crowe. 1 suspect is always the husband, Richard was armed and ready with the aforementioned forged documents designed to look as though Nancy wrote them. He should never get out. My aunt was in ICU at the time and thats why I was there. And lets not forget that, among even more evidence (like Richard previously emptying their bank accounts, and not knowing Nancy changed the beneficiary on her life insurance), theres the long vacation he took with his mistress less than 5 weeks after Nancy died. The doctors there refused to acknowledge the poisoning because it would involve litigation. All they care about is winning the case to keep up their win/lose ratio, and advance their career. TX is not known for its stellar justice system. I have gut problems to this day; 50+ years later and I spend many nights in the late hours with an upheavalnot a fun thing but nothing like that sick poisoned feeling.and I know mine was a mere dusting of what that poor woman went through. Understandable, that the daughters wish to be left alone, but people are curious, including me. And it was fake. Richard Lyon suffered from addictions to alcohol and sex. Go to hell, and while on the way there ask him to mix up a drink for you. Talk about clutching at straws! Without money, there is no justice. Facing reality. Gray alluded to. It could have been slow suicide but it would be odd, then, to be complaining for weeks before death of headaches and nausea, never mind that it would be a serious clue that one needed to up the dose, as well as being a severely unpleasant way for a person to take their life. Ah yes, the little known accidental death by ingesting capsules filled with rat poison, then moving onto arsenic in nightcaps and pop (based on Nancys own words regarding poison in her drinks) when the rat poison didnt work out, THEN followed up by a forged receipt found by Richard to cover up the accidental poisoning, making it look like Nancy ordered the poison, along with other forged documents (something that always happens in accidental poisonings oh, wait, no, it doesnt). And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. Cant find her anywhere. And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. I wondered, instead, what twisted passion had carried him through the months of premeditation, through the hours of her retching at home, through the days of her decline and death. If Eve died of poisoning that wasnt accidental or suicidal and assuming the absence of a toxic serpent (not that it could cause ingestion poisoning) its safe to assume Adams proximity is probative, despite absence of his fingerprints/DNA. For example, I was once in an elevator that dropped 8 1/2 floors. Allison is a costume desisigner. Richard is emblematic of weasels everywhere, producing fake documents and trying to put his crime off on other people. An upcoming post will look into developments in his case since the conviction. Ivy League sweethearts. The medical examiner did not find any signs of a disease in her system but found lethal doses of Arsenic in her system at her autopsy which later found that she had ingested small doses every week starting from four months before her death. The quantum of circumstantial evidence is persuasive, but youre implying that such evidence is of less value than physical evidence. No, its a forged document, that Richard found, that would have helped to clear Richard . Forensic Files, in my opinion, got it right. It was almost an SMU tailgate party as they brought in catering and Bloody Marys to wait for Nancys recovery. 38Or a stranger and show you hospitality? A shame about his wife though. He was paid off to lie to protect his own skin and to secure the prosecutions case, something even A.W. His next parole date is in 2026. What POSSIBLE explanation is there for that? Didnt you listen to the trial? Michael Peterson did after only 98.5 months of his life without parole sentence. But I have a question: Is the main person of Friends of Richard Lymon either: If juries are presented with partial or misleading evidence (which could be more accident than design such as failure of the defence to do a reasonable job of interrogating evidence), the wrong outcomes very possible. That never happened. To determine who wrote the note, police sent it to Hartford Kittel who examined the note by taking samples of Richard and Nancy's known writing. . Why no outrage over what Bill Jr. did and what state would ever hand over two young girls to such a man? Who had a stronger motive than him? Maybe devote your energy in volunteering for needy children and adults people who matter. Ive seen many calm killers (and regular people who were lying) who passed, and many worried, freaked out victims whove failed. He tried many times and with different poison. Precisely because of that, those further removed from the case claim they lack objectivity. I was in the waiting room for ICU at Presbyterian Hospital when Nancy was admitted to the hospital in 1991. This action would have never occurred without the intervention of, at least, one United States Senator and a retired Texas representative, to move the complaint from the bumbling Texas State Securities Boards Enforcement Director, Joe Rotunda. Nancy worked her way up to a partnership at Trammell Crow, a real estate development firm. Update on July 11, 2018: Two corrections were made to the post the website asks for legal help, not monetary donations, and the site itself was created by supporters, according to a representative for Friends of Richard Lyon. But hes innocent?!? Correction: FROM THE TRIAL TRANSCRIPTS: There is no PHYSICAL evidence that directly links Richard to sneaking poison into his wifes beverages. justice served. In 1990, Nancy had hired a divorce attorney, Mary Henrich, in whom she confided her suspicion that Richard was poisoning her something she felt too embarrassed to tell police, according to court records from Richard Lyons unsuccessful 1994 appeal. The costs for a case like this is too much for them to handle and risk. But did the evidence support this conviction?<br /> <br /> Mystery novelist A. W. Gray made his nonfiction debut . There might be a bit of Better Call Saul-ness in the case. Ants implicated. Ants implicated. Im sure we all wish them well and are sorry for their loss. We know that juries get it wrong perhaps theres a figure for what proportion of convictions have subsequently been proved unfounded but because of the high threshold of certitude to convict, more are likely wrong in acquitting than convicting (which is as it should be). But it was a bizarre coincidence. I guess Texas courts dont mess around. Doctors frantically did tests to find the cause of her illness. This was unclear from your post. There, he met Nancy Dillard, whose parents were wealthy and influential enough for her fathers nickname to be Big Daddy. You have to show remorse. They had watched them bury one of their four children, thirty-year-old Tom, who died of a brain tumor in 1985. Maybe his gf gave him soap on the rope? Nancy planned to move to Washington, D.C., with her daughters after the divorce, a 1991 AP storyreported. Lyon is guilty of a horrible murder and is fortunate he got life, not death. exactly how are you saying that the hospital gave Nancy Lyons arsenic? Look it up. More significant is that (or if) five false conviction charities/services have examined his case and refused it particularly if they have stated that its because they think the outcome correct. Just one of the many things that should be changed in the legal system, in my opinion. I was wondering how they were doing! He deserves to die alone in his cell. How ridiculous! And how a lawyer could have on his conscience that someone was imprisoned possibly, probably or certainly because of his ambition improperly to win his case is beyond me. Were you admitted WITH arsenical poisoning (in which case, they didnt) or with another condition, THEN were also to have been found poisoned? He began his prison sentence at the Wynne Unit in Huntsville. And there can be few crueler ways to kill than this appalling manner. who killed her if you believe that. It would come up in court later. It will eventually all come out. Looks like the friend also ran for public office in 2020 and lost. Not much different from Stolen Valor. QED Adams guilt beyond reasonable doubt. Youre as bad as the p.o.s. Often, a hunch/bad feeling about the defendant wins out over lack of evidence. I was only saved by the emergency brakes which stopped me between the first floor and the basement. Lots of questions here which render your claim perplexing., The Lindbergh Kidnapping: Forensic Files Lost Episode, Dawn Fehring: A Missionary Dies Too Young, Ron Gillette: An Air Force Man Who Didnt Exactly Aim High. 1) Related to Richard, He should NOT be paroled. He did it and hes right where he belongs. Husband Tries to Mess with TexasWriters Block, ( Forensic Files watcher,... No, its a forged document, that the hospital by lying and forgery tooth and nails the I... A shocking note which Nancy wrote accusing her older brother Bill of abusing. Authority and Power to have seen all things and guilty people go to prison circumstantial evidence is of less than... Filled with rat poison ) to Nancy, and people in general, often give and... Of God doesnt mean thats the case to keep all eyes on Richard and callous watching... Evidence ) or she was my wife wins out over lack of evidence Jr. has a of... The opinion he is guilty read the book before he had ever met him to. 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