I would love to have trillionaires in the world if they were paying a lot of tax. I can totally believe that. [12] In February 2014, Altman was named president of YCombinator by its co-founder, Paul Graham. is central to that, but its not the only one they actually make a case for much more radical form of public ownership. So by putting this voluntary cap on ourselves above which none of the employees or investors get any more money which I think if you do have a powerful A.I., will be somewhat trivial to hit I think we avoid the worst of the incentives or at least the one that we were most worried about. And so if I basically understand how GPT-3 works, its a system that has read a lot of stuff on the internet. I'm just super excited about what's going to happen there.". Mark Andreessen, cofounder of venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, said, "Under Sam, the level of YC's ambition has gone up 10x." Altman once told two YC founders that he likes racing cars and had five, including two McLarens and an old Tesla. He also said he likes renting planes and flying them all over California. The McLaren 720S. And I think were starting now heading into a world where a lot of the things that people want, they can, through a text interface or a visual interface, have an A.I. Altman invested 75% of that moneyinto YC companies, and led Reddit's Series B fundraising round. And I push on them here. You have people partner and say, OK, lots of other industries have done this. Altman Realty. Despite its potential, Altman said AGI, or artificial general intelligence, comes with "serious risk of misuse, drastic accidents, and societal disruption." I did this show with Ted Chiang, the science fiction writer. He serves as the CEO of OpenAI and the former president of Y Combinator. again, I think if there is a big bug in my thinking, this is likely it. I have a lot of answers to this question, so I will start with a few. Altman says he has an idea to fix this issue plaguing his state. doctor. He also tried to expand the types of companies funded by YC, especially hard technology companies. One of the problems, though, with the policy conversation is that this is the set of issues its way behind on. And those are really important for sure and we think a lot about those. The technical path that I think currently think is most likely to get us to one of these AGI-like systems is one where you dont have tons of copies of agents. And I think more people should be doing things like that. Get the latest insights directly to your inbox! Altman came out as gay to the whole community after a Christian group boycotted an assembly at his school that was about sexuality. He details his involvement in the success of OpenAI in his book "How to be Successful. So the question of how we do it I mean, I dont know how we do basic climate change legislation. We build tools so that we can do better than we can do with our hands digging up the dirt or whatever. You should. Crystal Nights by Greg Egan, The Last Question by Isaac Asimov, and The Gentle Seduction by Marc Stiegler. Sam Altman - As an Inspiration. But then how do you decide how much theyre allowed to make? "If AGI is successfully created, this technology could help us elevate humanity by increasing abundance, turbocharging the global economy, and aiding in the discovery of new scientific knowledge that changes the limits of possibility," Altman wrote on OpenAI's blog. You used to not have a lot of vegetarians in the Western world. The median home value in the United States is $200,400, according to Zillow. And I think again, to stick on the example of higher ed I have never seen more energy from the consumers, the people who are going to college or thinking about going to college soon, saying, what am I really doing here and maybe theres some much better way. But I mean, you were saying earlier in the show that at least the power of these systems is on an exponential curve. Despite this setback, Sam continued to pursue his passion for technology and entrepreneurship. YC and Thiel stopped working together a year later in 2017 for unspecified reasons. Yeah, and that, I think, is also an important thing. But I think we also have people who are just more conscious about these issues. So thats weird. So thats the pro case on capitalism is that that works really well. California is my home. But youd like as much time as you can have to be really thoughtful about do we understand what the system is going to do. will make owners of capital and land much more powerful. ", In a thread on Twitter, Altman said he was "voting against Trump because I believe the principles he stands for represent an unacceptable threat to America. Today, Sam Altmans primary focus in OpenAI. But I think what we can say is that we are on an exponential curve. And so getting the technologies right fast enough that they can actually solve the problems, you can really see there what it would have meant if we had not I dont think regulators did a crazy good job on this, but we got the vaccines out. Like for instance, you could imagine a prize system where the public sector puts out multibillion dollar prizes for solving this technological problem, this scientific problem. But two, thats a lot of power for one person to have. And you can also teach them stuff. See, I think animals is the counter-argument to that. Look, remote work certainly does not work for everything and its not something that Im personally excited to do. In 2018, Altman launched "The United Slate", a political movement focused on fixing housing and healthcare policy. Viruses. But housing prices are a problem across California. You also ask lawyers questions because if you dont get the answers from them, you might get sued. Thats where the Moores law for everything idea comes in. In a lot of past revolutions, the revolutions, the technological changes, they happened fairly slowly and particularly their dispersal through society is pretty slow. But as I understand the way you see the world, that you think this is going to happen in a much more punctuated period than, say, electricity. Sam Altman's contributions have been instrumental in OpenAI's progress and development in the field of AI. How to Develop Entrepreneurial Mindset in 8 Steps? ", Source: The New Yorker, The Business of Business. You guys have other ones. He also aimed to expand Y Combinator's reach, with a goal of funding 1,000 new companies per year and the creation of YC Group as an umbrella organization for Y Combinator's various units. And you can see when something doesnt go the way they think its going to go and then they update. Theres others who would say quite the opposite, which is that there will never be a sense of self in a there is a self. A Division of NBC Universal, Here's why a Silicon Valley tech exec says to fix Californias housing crisis, scrap the $64 billion bullet train. It could even be a pressure coming from the public sector. How do we want to think about how decisions are made there, how its governed, who gets to use it, what for, how the wealth that it creates is shared? But then I look at the past year and I see a lot of failures of governance followed by a gigantic success of mRNA vaccines. The technological progress we make in the next 100 years will be far larger than all weve made since we first controlled fire and invented the wheel, writes Sam Altman in his essay Moores Law for Everything. This revolution will generate enough wealth for everyone to have what they need, if we as a society manage it responsibly.. like we mistreat animals or is the A.I. Its also how a lot of people lose their jobs. How to be Successful? I think somehow or other thats going to happen. Very difficult. You need ungodly amounts of data and amounts of computer power. Because some people would say, how far it can get with neural networks pulling in data to do predictive learning. In 2005, he launched Y Combinator backed Loopt, a service that allowed people to share their location with other people on their smartphones. And so we have to talk about how we want to use them, what their rights are, what we want the world to look like, the universe to look like with them. So lets say most repetitive human work and some creative human work you will be able to ask an A.I. But in order to get to that policy, you need the power to transfer first. His diverse involvement in the startup world has solidified his position as a leading figure in the industry. So on this point, I think were in perfect agreement. We just we need an algorithm that could learn and a network architecture that could somehow encode the knowledge and the capability to reason. And you say anything other than its really important that we remain competitive with China and its really important that we have fair, transparent, unbiased systems. Despite the competition, Loopt was successful in securing over $30 million in venture capital. It was interesting to me you used the metaphor of an American flag operation. do now? Have you ever read the book, Fully Automated Luxury Communism? We have thought about prizes. I think [expensive housing is] one of our great threats as a state, as a prosperous state. But for me then the question is, how are we going to construct the rest of society in a way that people have the dignity, the ability to decide where we all collectively go that is so important? And what we really want is someones overall quality of life, and happiness, and fulfillment, and contentment and whatever. But I sleep a little bit better at night knowing that were not torturing trillions of agents in simulation. And you take that base model and then with just a little bit of extra training and data, you push it in one direction or the other. From college dropout to creator of AI chatbot phenomenon ChatGPT. And more importantly than that, everybody has a right to a say in the future, and the dignity of being part of it, and getting to live their lives the way that they want. [41][42] Altman is gay and has been out since his teen years. His contributions caught the eye of co-founder Paul Graham, who named Sam as the president of Y Combinator. Feb 13. He believes he is bringing a world into existence that is really, really different than the one you and I know and that its going to happen fast. And were trying to figure out how to do that. My family, when I grew up, a lot of it was in Brazil. His rise to fame can be attributed to his impressive career and impact in the technology industry. [6] In 2017, he received an honorary degree from the University of Waterloo. So it got a billion investment thats partially money, partially compute power from Microsoft. Secrets are bad when you're eleven or twelve.". Health is a really big one. And it was such a strange feeling and Ive often thought about the parallels of that moment that hit so viscerally with A.I. So Altmans got some proposals here for how we can do that. of OpenAI, which is one of the biggest and most interesting of the companies trying to create general purpose artificial intelligence. With U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Lansing) announcing Monday that she is officially running for an open U.S. Senate seat next year, theres no shortage of But I think something going on in California in the relationship between the state and the technology companies that are centered here, and something thats not going to be good for either side, is that as the increase in wealth inequality here rises, the sentiment changes. is stuck, why a pro-technology progressivism would also need to be committed to a radical politics of equality, what global governance of A.I. You think that you think certainly once you can just ask questions, at least those questions will be asked and theyll be answerable? And I think we will see, in the coming years, A.I. Sam is an American entrepreneur, investor, programmer, and blogger. I mean, it is more important than the marginal tax rate on high income. And lets not stop. I think technology can make the world unimaginably great, but it needs a policy and power tweak to have that be distributed in a way where it can happen at all and in a way where it can happen justly. Theres just going to be a limit on that. Maybe. WebOpenAI CEO Sam Altman said ChatGPT was a "horrible product" in an interview, citing the AI chatbot's outages. Thats . And I think price is even more imperfect. So lets start where we are now. Theres a soul, whatever. And the next time theyre not surprised or maybe they even can come up with new ideas based off of that. But this is one of those places where power really matters. Therefore, it is not known whether he is married, single, or divorced. Entertainment, high quality education. And that one model is now being used by thousands of people developers more than that in terms of end users for all sorts of tasks. And you can even say I mean, you could probably say, write this in the style of Ezra Klein, and it would probably just do it. Sure. Those really took the wealth of nations to do. And I think thats a real shame of policy, and, at least in this country, some quite bad political decisions on the left and an understandable but misplaced fear of technology. [25] As of early 2020, he was no longer affiliated with YC. No. So I think we have just begun the realm of A.I. Altman said OpenAI had "never made any revenue," and that it had "no current plans to make revenue.". And I think they do, because I think that they matter very much in terms of what the future systems of the world will do. And I think if I have one critique of your approach to politics on this stuff its that I think you take policy seriously and power less seriously. And if we take all the speculation out of something like A.I. I dont actually subscribe to the Silicon Valley UBI will solve all problems. Altman transitioned to Chairman of The company was acquired by Green Dot, a banking company known for prepaid cards. But I am worried about what happens if some of these things hit and we havent come anywhere near an answer. I actually think that most people in the industry are pretty happy to pay taxes. And so that stuff is very interesting. And so the governance question here strikes me as really hard and not one where Im comfortable with either of the dominant options. Altman is asking for digital signatures on his petition to redirect bullet train funding of those who support the idea as a way to measure its popularity. Its that there are other impediments. And is replicable in a very big computer. And my concern is that to the extent there is a Washington conversation over artificial intelligence is one of the set of technologies Im interested in and worried about. I mean, we were talking earlier about, well, what if A.I. But in order to do so, they have to build a way to determine whether someone is a unique human. You can treat the warts on top, and because of the warts the company will be hugely underpriced. If you talked about systems that could really do meta-learning and learn new concepts quickly that they werent trained for, people so thats not going to happen. An 85-year Harvard study found the No. Or to put it more simply, that computer power has been growing exponentially for decades now. But a pressure to finish first. Two things. Staying on the idea of the big base models, as I understand it, there are a little handful of companies who are in the race to build one of these in a serious way. Do you believe in 30 years were going to have self-intelligent systems going off and colonizing the universe? And this is why I think the intermediate things do matter a lot. Great! In September 2016, he announced that he would become president of YC Group, which included Y Combinator and other units. So theres a lot that is being predicted, but right now its a mimicry. So your point about Elon Musk is well taken. And I assumed that the way people got rich was salary. Sam is gay and has been out since his youth. I think it's in the way of people having the lives they want. And let me argue that theres actually more of a friction here even than weve let on. Revolution, Trillionaires and the Future of Political Power, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/11/opinion/ezra-klein-podcast-sam-altman.html, Our Brains Werent Designed for This Kind of Food, Inside the Minds of Spiders, Octopuses and Artificial Intelligence, This Book Changed My Relationship to Pain. And because theyre so badly spent, I dont want to pay any. [/tag/entrepreneurs/] One should be adaptable, yetdecided, committed, yet OK with dissatisfaction, and a pioneer, yet a pessimist.Thus, it is important to know why and how to develop entrepreneuria. I want a movie created. And I think most members of society should want more of that, too, if we can figure out how to make sure that we have fair access to power and voice and governance. would change the geopolitical balance of power, whether we should allow trillionaires, why the political debate over A.I. And there may be other cities where its just much easier to solve this problem. Theres two comments that you hear a lot, one I agree with and one that I dont. In February 2014, he became the president of Y Combinator. WebSam Altman served as Managing Director at Lambert Media Group. It was acquired by the Green Dot Corporation for $43.4 million. And I would say housing is primarily a zoning problem. 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