New York CNN Business . U.S. labor unions have been in decline for decades. Despite this pressing need, of the organizations that have pursued digitization, 79 percent of them are still in the early stages of their technology transformation, according to McKinseys 2018 IT strategy survey. "You first have to have established a political base for a transition that can be legitimate, that could be recognized by most Haitians as valid," she said. In the 1930s, the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) was formed as a result of political differences in the AFL. They started to press the AFL to change its policies in this area. Nurturing key partnerships and keeping lines of communication open and flowing with a regular exchange of ideas is crucial to maintaining that alignment, Healy says. Copyright 2007 - 2023, TechTarget Unions and Benefits. Among the 2022 State of the CIO respondents, 46% are advancing efforts to increase operational efficiency compared to only 34% in the prior years survey. Instead of delivering capabilities that work at an account level with an individual partner, we are looking at how to treat customers across multiple partners and thinking about the everyday digital experience across a suite of products, Healy explains. They accomplish this by delivering bulletproof and agile systems and services that are inextricably linked to business goals -- in real time, if required -- and by leading their enterprises through the cultural shift required to become digital businesses. The CIO is the ship's helmsman and its engineer, in his words. Subscribed to {PRACTICE_NAME} email alerts. The investments we made in improving infrastructure and in the application space have resulted in business users feeling the power of IT, he explains. We provide support and guidance.. Eric Arnesen The George Washington University. This role was particularly important when a retail giant was looking to acquire an analytics company. As of 2018, union density stands at 10.7 percent overall (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018).Union decline has contributed to growing economic inequality and eroded workers' voice in politics (Farber et al. For Anita Klopfenstein, a culture built on service, accountability, and innovation is key in delivering business value from difficult IT journeys. The CIO set up a transformation war-room team that worked jointly from the beginning with leaders outside the IT function, including marketing, operations, sales, and e-commerce. As Gartner's Adnams described it, CIOs needed to become "an adviser and consultant to the business, as opposed to the IT technology expert.". Without that, unions cannot build the breadth and commitment necessary to address their powerful adversaries. Theres no worse time than now to be an average CIO. These words, uttered by an executive at a recent conference, neatly capture the intense pressure on CIOs. The percentage of unionized workers, however, declined beginning in the 1950s. At many companies, the project requires a wholesale conversion from an analog to a digital business model, and businesses have little choice but to adapt. Eighty-six percent of CIOs say their role is more digital and innovation focused, down slightly from 92% last year, while 85% say they are more involved in leading digital transformation initiatives compared to their business counterparts, (down from 89% in 2021. . Hunters and Dogs. For example, the C-suites No. We'll email you when new articles are published on this topic. 2018; Rosenfeld 2014; Western and Rosenfeld 2011).Labor scholars and leaders have long debated how best to reverse labor's flagging . "The most dangerous woman in America.". Transformation of existing business processes, including automation and integration, was a top imperative for 41% of respondents while improving customer experience (42%) as well as employee productivity (27%) ranked high on the CIO agenda. Data processing was centralized and done on IT's timetable. The union had to report the data to the OLMS in order to be considered for this list, thus some unions are not listed. When the Texas Typographical Association was founded in April, 1838, it invited all printers in the Republic of Texas to join. The potential security risks and integration problems posed by unauthorized, ad hoc technology decisions -- referred to as shadow IT -- highlighted another skill required of effective CIOs. Between 2010 and 2019, the need for digital transformation marked yet another turning point in the role of the CIO and IT, but not without resistance and hardly overnight. One of the best ways to do that is by joining the board of another company. The natural cycle swings leave IT leaders grappling with how to strike the right balance between business innovation and operational excellencea major issue for three quarters (76%) of respondents to this years survey. The CIO of a large consumer company made digital and analytics upskilling one of the companys key strategic priorities, launching an enterprise-wide program, in tandem with HRs learning team. CIOs remain the go-to resource for navigating technology decisionsmore than half (52%) of IT leaders surveyed this year categorized CIOs as a strategic advisor who proactively identifies business opportunities and makes recommendations while 26% viewed the CIO as a consultant, providing advice and guidance on technology selection. True. Let's break down this period of rapid and extreme change. Historically, unions had typically banded together skilled workers into unions by trade. Because theres a clear understanding of the game-changing power of technology, IT is seen as the digital-first innovation leader as long as it remains focused on shared goals and business outcomes. On average, a worker covered by a union contract earns 10.2% more in wages than a peer with similar education, occupation, and experience in a nonunionized workplace in the same industry (EPI 2021e). The AFL-CIO established the Ethical Practices Committee in its efforts to control corrupt practices and racketeering of its member unions. That means not just explaining how this three-pronged approach is better for IT but also clarifying how it drives business goals and how it can be implemented. Philadelphia Convention CenterPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania 11:03 A.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Hello, AFL-CIO! Apostle of industrial unionism. Lane Kirkland What percentage of the best people you hire are still with you two years later? The CIO and his leadership team were involved from the very beginning in determining the data and analytics capabilities needed to fulfill the companys business strategy. The biggest change in the role of the CIO, he said, is that the top IT executive is now the company's "transformer in chief. Those were hard problems to solve," said Sacolick, president and CIO of digital transformation consulting firm StarCIO. In 1933, the number of labor union members was around 3 million, compared to 5 million a decade before. Victorious industrial unions with militant left-wing leadershipscatalyzed the rise of the CIO. The 1990s marked the adoption of the modern enterprise resource planning software suites that collected and managed data produced at different levels of the business. As technology writer Mary Pratt reported in an article on the role of the CIO in 2022, the job "is being shaped by a constellation of new technologies and the business's burning need to use them for competitive advantage." We have found that a tech transformation must be holistic to deliver full business value. At Synchrony, theres a continued push for modernization and an up-leveling of its cybersecurity posture, but not at the expense of its digital-first roadmap, which is all about transforming the customer experience across channels. Throughout the guide, hyperlinks point to related articles that cover the topics being addressed in more depth. This detailed early planning revealed which systems needed to be upgraded and when. The challenges unions face today result from a combination of trends years in the making as well as recent political developments. Songwriter, itinerant laborer, union organizerand martyr. Infighting among union members was minimized, creating a strong organization that still exists today. Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) proposed by John L. Lewis in 1938, was a federation of unions that organized workers in industrial unions in the United States and Canada from 1935 to 1955. CIOs in this period remained responsible for delivering new IT systems on time and on budget, as well as for running existing and new systems with a high degree of reliability. Champion of labor renewal and former AFL-CIO president. Some of the other trends pushing the CIO agenda include the following: Prepare for a CIO interview with these 20 questions, CIO job description: Chief information officer responsibilities. 1 directive for CIOs this year was to upgrade IT and data security to reduce corporate risk, cited by a third of survey respondents. All the direct reports and approximately 50 percent of tech employees were new, and 80 percent had transitioned to different roles. After a wholesale pivot to remote operations in 2020, Sequoia Capitals IT group turned attention to preparing for a transition to hybrid work, including the upgrading of networks, reconfiguring conference rooms with new camera technologies, changing business processes to better support collaboration, and equipping employees with proper equipment setups, both at home and in office. Frances Perkins Committed labor secretary and first woman in a presidential Cabinet position. "Culture is an operating system, and to create one [for the current times] you have to recode," said Corbin, who helped lead digital transformations at Mars Inc. and Marriott International and currently serves as the COO of business travel startup Onriva. Now, he concurs that IT operational excellence is necessary but not sufficient for CIOs. Architecting modular platforms needs revamped approaches to hiring in order to get top-flight engineers. The calls came from the same phone number (929-279-5975 . They also have the technical expertise to decide which among the flood of emerging technologies will give their enterprises a business edge. Philip Murray WM is also in the midst of absorbing and capitalizing on a major business enablement program that included moving its data center to the cloud and modernizing its network infrastructure, according to Erika Walk, the firms senior director, digital business services. After decades of decline, the labor movement in the U.S. has been gaining some momentum. This is often in the form of negotiating and improving pay, pension, working conditions, and other workplace benefits. As a result, CIOs were continually pressured to cut costs and strive to do more with less. A CIO is a member of a company's executive team who oversees the information technology (IT) department within the organization. Here are a few things CEOs can do: Gaining support for a transformation requires that stakeholders understand that true change will come only from tackling all three transformation vectors in a strategic, interlinked manner. CIOs who can make this leap tend to take the following actions. A number of labor leaders, and in particular John L. Lewis of the Mine Workers, came to the conclusion that their own unions would not survive while the great majority of workers in basic industry remained nonunion. Despite the power and reach of digital powerhouses such as Apple, Amazon and Google and the ability of upstarts like Uber and Airbnb to disrupt entire industries, many legacy companies were slow to embark on a so-called digital transformation journey and make the required technology, business process and cultural changes it called for. Ray O. Alienation theory is a driving force behind unionization in the U.S . The worlds largest enterprises use NETSCOUT to manage and protect their digital ecosystems. What percentage of technology resources is focused on work that drives business goals versus maintenance? We are now digesting innovation and making sure everything works. Next on the agenda: Looking for opportunities to automate key business processes and ramping up security, he adds. On September 10, 1936, the AFL suspended all ten CIO unions (two more had joined in the previous year). Helped create Social Security and Medicare. The calls. Unlike last year when business strategy took precedence for 67% of respondents, only 60% of 2022 State of the CIO respondents spent time on activities such as driving business innovation, developing strategy, or identifying opportunities for competitive differentiation. The scope of an IT transformation means that CIOs must be prepared to interact with the business in different ways. Washington Area Spark. In working on tech transformations with hundreds of CIOs, we have identified five CIO traits that we believe are markers of success. Can I clearly articulate the businesss goals? "In a worst-case scenario for labor and the left, Harris v. False. 03:28. CIOs "aren't catching much of a break this year," reported TechTarget Industry Editor John Moore in "Top 7 CIO challenges in 2022 and how to handle them.". The CIO ran a pilot with a business unit and operations team for three months to determine whether the final vendor could deliver on its capabilities. Based on this years research, it appears IT leaders have figured out a winning formula for building trust with LOB peers and effectively cultivating business user engagement. Good customers can also help you find problems. The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 required union leaders to swear that they were not Communists. We have found, for example, that the best CIOs go far beyond meeting with the C-suite or attending strategy meetings. The proponents of industrial unionism, on the other hand, generally believed that craft distinctions may yet be appropriate in certain industries such as construction or printing, but that they were unworkable in industries such as steel or auto production. This is not just an IT effort, but an IT and business effort that involves business continuity and crisis management, explains Jayadev, who notes that Skyworks has carved out a separate organization within IT to concentrate on this area. Never miss an insight. Sanders (I-Vt.) and the 10 Democratic members of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) last month invited . These technologies include the now widely adopted stalwarts of digital transformation -- cloud, mobile, social media and analytics -- but also a torrent of emergent technologies, including artificial intelligence, IoT, robotic process transformation, digital twins and the so-called immersive technologies: augmented and virtual reality. The CIO attended and actively participated. This is particularly important around cybersecurity. The Tipping Point - The Path from CIO to CEO Becomes Clearer. Promoting collaboration across technology teams and between the business and technology is one of the most crucial prerequisites for a successful transformation. Industrial unionism became even more necessary in the 1930s, when the Great Depression caused large membership drops in some unions, such as the United Mine Workers and the International Ladies Garment Workers Union. Defying the American Federation of Labor's commitment to craft unionism, the Committee for Industrial Organization was established in 1935 by leaders of the United Mine Workers and other AFL unions who embraced industrial union organizing strategies. "The CIO is dead; long live the CIO!" It provides news and analysis of, by, and for the labor and democratic movements to our readers across the country and around the world. It was in the 2020 . Its member unions span from the Actors Equity . Moving forward, there are efforts to improve workspace management and the employee experience thanks to the infrastructure investment, which resulted in savings now funneled to continuous improvement. To kick-start the transformation journey, the CIO of a transportation-and-logistics company made it her first priority to meet with every single business leader to understand their goals and issues and to set expectations on how they could best work together, by clarifying, for example, what the business side could expect to get from IT in a consultant role versus IT as a service provider or partner. Now the product owners are the actual business units, not the IT staff. CWA, SEIU, IUPAT, UAW and other unions are leading the charge as part of the Worker Power Coalition, Mauer said, which also includes other progressive organizations. Holcombe, CIO for the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), is not the least bit concerned that this years focus on the practical, not the trend-setting, will cause any setback to ITs standing in the business. The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), the country's largest union federation, has 12.5 million members worldwide. No . Recent examples include enlisting machine learning to predict purchase order shortages, leveraging RPAto automate a previously manual past due purchase order review process, and employing chatbots to streamline common helpdesk interactions. As always, its a tale of having to do both, notes Bess Healy, senior vice president and CIO at Stamford, Conn.-based financial services company Synchrony. Do you meet or speak with IT employees who are on the front lines at least once a week? Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America founder whoinvented trade unionism as we know it today. Answer (1 of 3): I will answer this in relation to the situation in the USA. With the chargeback approach, business units could see the implications of the IT decisions they were making. Recent history has shown that effective CIOs possess the personal skills required to drive large-scale change, such as digital transformation and the adoption of new ways of working. Making matters more complicated, other traditional IT executive roles like CTO and CISO are also evolving as companies strive to understand how to best manage, protect and exploit their potentially most strategic asset -- information. -. The technical challenges CIOs faced did not abate. As one large financial institution set out to build its digital products, the business and technology teams jointly led user listening and feedback panels early and often throughout the development process. The evolution of the CIO job from technology expert to a business strategist with deep technical expertise has arguably been more dramatic than any other C-level role transition. Many tech decisions dont get sufficient business scrutiny beyond cost and high-level strategy discussions. This years research also confirmed CIOs dominant leadership role in defining and spearheading digital innovation. The national labor union was one large union that directly represented workers from many trades crafts and industries. To address this issue and build trust, the best CIOs play an active role in educating leaders about technologies and their applications for the business. Findings from our 2018 IT strategy survey reveal that companies with top IT organizations are much more likely than others to have the CIO very involved with shaping the business strategy and agenda, and strong performance on core IT tasks enables faster progress against a companys digital goals. For the remainder of the twentieth century, the AFL-CIO remained the largest union organization in the United States. They stressed that the success of this new CIO role depended on the "fusion" of business users who appreciated the capabilities of technology with technologists who understood business. Endnotes . 66% of CIOs said their relationship with the, 70% of CIOs said they were assigned leadership of high-impact initiatives; and, 80% of CIOs reported an increase in educating business leaders about technology. They preferred separate units divided along craft lines. Functional tasks also consumed a large part of the CIO agenda this year, cited by 84% of survey respondents, with security management (51%), improving IT operations and systems performance (43%), and controlling costs and expense management (29%) among the top imperatives. 2. Amid the uncertainty, what's clear is that CIOs today must help their companies use technology as a business differentiator. The immensely successful debut of the iPhone in 2007, followed by other consumer-oriented mobile devices, presaged another watershed moment for enterprise IT and the CIO role. And the infrastructure programs we put in place allow us to realize savings that we can reinvest in other areas of innovation.. 2. Do you rely exclusively on HR to find your talent? Seventy-nine percent of LOB respondents recognize the CIOs role as more digital and innovation focused while 78% agree that the CIO plays an outsized role in leading digital transformationfar more than any of its executive counterparts. "You're up on the bridge navigating the ship and at the same time down in the engine room actively making things work.". By hiring the best tech people, weve seen companies reduce their technology costs by as much as 30 percent while maintaining or improving their productivity. Committed labor secretary and first woman in a presidential Cabinet position. LightRocket via Getty Images. In practice, CIOs can enable collaboration if theyre willing to relinquish some control. Employers often fight unionizing efforts with aggression and intimidation, using legal and illegal tactics. Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Black-and-White Negatives. The majority of LOB respondents to the 2022 State of the CIO survey (58%) view the top IT executive as a strategic advisor, proactively seeking their help on identifying business needs, making technology recommendations, and helping sort through provider selections while 21% tap IT leadership as a consulting resource. Philip Murray CIO president who helped transform the industrial union movement into a stable and powerful organization. Longtime president of the UAWand was considered the model of a reform-minded, liberal trade unionist. Its advocacy for industrial unionism echoed the philosophy of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), founded in 1905. Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, speaks at the National Press Club on Jan. 11, 2010. This consumerization of IT marked the turning point for CIOs from overseers of centralized computing to overseers of an enterprise's digital business strategy. It's all democratically run, so those in decision-making or representative positions are volunteers who've . Even as CIO responsibilities expanded, IT continued to be viewed as an expense center rather than an investment in business success. Driving a transformation around the three vectors we laid out earlier (reimagining the role of technology, reinventing technology delivery, and future-proofing the foundation) starts with a CIO mind-set that both acknowledges the need for transformative change and commits to a multiyear journey. Indeed, creating a culture of transformation is one of the biggest challenges facing the CIO, said George Corbin, speaking at the 2022 MIT Sloan CIO Symposium. The Early YearsTexas' first labor unions organized just few years after the arrival of the Anglo pioneers. 1 Striking workers block a railroad into the Celanese plant in Maryland on November 16, 1936. The push to digitally transform remains strong, as does the role of the CIO in leading the charge, according to the following recent stats: As the CIO role has evolved, the leadership qualities it takes to do the job well have changed too. This mutual inspiration goes a long way to explain the astonishingly rapid growth of public sector unions during the civil rights era. Technology was no longer the exclusive province of IT experts or an add-on for business functions; it was everywhere, it was a normal part of everyday experience and it was changing how business got done. Our guide to the CIO's place in the modern enterprise takes stock of this multifaceted role, including its history, its relation to other IT executive positions in the C-suite, its chief challenges and its future prospects. The term CIO came into use in 1981. These included . Interim CIOs are typically hired for a period that ranges from six months to two years. Created by John L. Lewis, it was originally called the Committee for Industrial Organization, but changed its name in 1938 when it broke away from the AFL. Generating support for a transformation among business leaders across the organization requires creating true partnering relationships with them based on common goals, mutual responsibility, and accountability. Peter J. McGuire preparing for next-generation technology services; using the cloud for core business applications; building a digital collaboration culture; and. A cause of death was not immediately announced. This reality requires a CIO to first come to terms with the scope of the transformation itself. Almost half of survey respondents (49%) cited increasing cybersecurity protections as the top business initiative driving IT investments, up dramatically from 34% in 2021. 10, 1936, the number of labor union members was around 3 million, compared to 5 million decade. Research also confirmed CIOs dominant leadership role in defining and spearheading digital innovation however declined... Business scrutiny beyond cost and high-level strategy discussions the topics being addressed in depth! You hire are still with you two years directly represented workers from many trades crafts and industries which among flood! Their companies use technology as a result, CIOs can enable collaboration if theyre willing to relinquish some.. Words, uttered by an executive at a recent conference, neatly capture intense. Make this leap tend to take the following actions ways to do more with less meeting the! 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