Development of a clinical prediction rule for 30day . How Does Your Child Hear and Talk? child development concepts to topics of high interest and relevance to teachers, including classroom discipline, constructivism, social-emotional development and well-being, and many others. In female enlarged clitoris and fused labia. nondisjunction failure of chromosomes to separate during cell division. Check out these developmental milestones to get a sense of the skills kids develop as 7- and 8-year-olds. Description. exam review 2011. pregnant teens have higher nutritional needs that other women. Therefore, milestones are generally reported in age ranges, rather than by a specific age. ELM Topic 5 DQ 2 - Discussion question for ELM 200. CrystalGraphics 3D Character Slides for PowerPoint, - CrystalGraphics 3D Character Slides for PowerPoint, - Beautifully designed chart and diagram s for PowerPoint with visually stunning graphics and animation effects. 1 The terms have since been phased out as the definition of autism has changed in recent years. Atypical development in children is often manifested in delayed physical development, gross motor skills, emotional, or social skills. Child Development - typical and atypical development - . Summaries Date Rating year Ratings Assignments Date Rating year Ratings Parents and health practitioners often track and measure a childs developmental milestones from infancy to middle school. . The arguments of the present review are twofold: (1) it is critical to use finegrained longitudinal data to study change over time in selfregulatory traits among youth, in order to fully. These skills are considered imperative in order for a child to grow into an. Learn more. How social interactions affect student development and readiness for learning. Psychology and the Teacher. (Answer under these subtopics: Learning process, developmentally appropriate instruction strategy, modification plan, and accommodation strategies. laws of growth and development :. progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy. . 1938, h.a.reimann, atypical pneumonia : not caused by influenza virus, psittacosis different from, Atypical ductal hyperplasia - . The author intersperses these discussions with To access the journals, use your member log in credentials on the AAIDD website and return here to gain access. Psychology: A Students Handbook. Human development. Siegler, R.S. Sensory development is the process by which children hear, see, taste, touch, smell, and feel. Oxford: BPS Blackwell. agency workers casual workers fixed-term workers apprentices volunteers, interns and work, Atypical Meiosis - . The causes of motor delays are many. Developmental milestones include physical or behavioral signs of physical, social, and cognitive progress that lead to mastery over one's environment. Reference sources 4 Eysenck. These may initially involve nonspecific declines in functional or mental status, anorexia with reduced oral intake, incontinence, falls (Htwe et al., 2007), fatigue, (Hall, 2002), or exacerbation of . Please try again. Explain how those skills and differences may contribute to learners' success and challenges in the classroom.Slide 1- TitleSlides 2-9 informationSlide 10 References If so, share your PPT presentation slides online with Cognitive: Children with ID have the ability to recall information, however they may experience difficulties in understanding more abstract . Dr Karl Wall 2009. - Atypical Wound Care LEE Wai-kuen Nurse Specialist Queen Mary Hospital. Child and Adolescent Psychology provides an accessible and thorough introduction to human development by integrating insights from typical and atypical development. Sleep Figure from Thieke (2001) at, Child development theories 1 Historically: Childhood: the early part of being an adult - not a special period Children as little adults no special care or attention required; no differentiation between child development and adult development, Child development theories 2 Arnold Gesell (1880 -1961): universal patterns of physical maturation, genetically driven and determined > milestones of development Sigmund Freud (1857 -1959): early childhood experience informs subsequent development; focus on impact of psychosexual influences > type of stage theory, Child development theories 3 Erik Erikson (1902-1994): extends Freuds perspectives: Brings in environmental factors and more stages issue of overcoming stage related crisis events. Search for other works by this author on: You do not currently have access to this content. as a result, Atypical pneumonia - . Michael Poyurovsky, Michael Hwang, in Psychotic Disorders, 2021. Neurological maturation (historic view) Systems model based on biomechanical theory More ecological approach Includes influence of the environment The task at hand Psychological processes Motivation Personality Interaction between musculoskeletal and neurological maturation, Gross motor development Muscle control progresses: Cephalo-caudal From gross motor to fine motor Proximal to distal Reflex to intentionality Simple to complex Head control Supine to prone Shoulder control Allows pivoting and turning over by 4th or 5th month Trunk control Sit up independently at 6 months Get into and out of sit at 8 months Hip control Lower body control Refinement, Windows of achievement Sit without support: 4 9 months Stand with assistance: 5 11 months, Hand and knee crawling: 5 13months Walking with assistance: 6 14 months, Standing alone: 7 17 months Walking alone: 9 17 months, Motor development: Fine Motor Skills Eye contact Facial expression Reaching Grasping Palmar Pincer Handedness Reflection of hemisphere dominance, Language Development Communication Speech sounds Language Communicating idea, wish, desire, need, emotion Receptive language: usually higher ability What is understood Expressive language: usually lower than receptive language What is said Innate ability for language Acquired in universal pattern Modeled by more competent speakers, repeated practice of sounds and words, Language Form Three aspects of language Phonology: study of speech sounds Syntax: rules of language, grammar Morphological development: word structure and word parts, such as prefixes and suffixes, Phonological development Cooing - vowel sounds Babbling - C/V (consonant/vowel) Sound production D,t,k,m,h (8 months) G,n,b W,s P,s,k,z (two years) F, ts, j, l, r, pw, bw Fw, kw, pl, nts, nd, ps, ts Dz, sp, st, sn, sl Tw, sk, sm, bl, kl, gl, br, tr, dr, kr, gr (4 years) V, fr, sr, pr, fl (5 years) Ma-ma, da-da, pa-pa nonspecificially Mama dada papa specifically Single words, objects Two-word sentences after approximately 30 50 words, Syntax Morphological Development Morpheme: smallest part of a word that has meaning Mean length of utterance (MLU) More than three, have morphological inflections in phrases Simple two-word sentences include noun-verb, verb-noun, and noun-noun Wh questions are challenging Who, what, where, when, how, why, Expressive language Semantics What words mean Overextension All blue cars are Mommys car Underextension Categories are too narrow: only my red blanket is my blankie; all other blankies are something else, Factors Affecting Language Development Developmental disabilities Cleft lip/cleft palate Oral-structural anomalies associated with Down syndrome Influence phonological production Cerebral palsy Reduced respiratory capacity Autism All areas of language affected Language deficits often inherited (50%) Culture and sociocultural factors influence rate of language acquisition Parenting influences language acquisition Motherese is correlated to language development Children with disabilities may require structured opportunities to facilitate language development With children whose language is developing typically, Cognitive development How we acquire knowledge Early experiences are critical to acquiring knowledge and sculpt: Perception Selective attention Learning Memory Language Personality Cognition Brain is plastic and can create alternative routes to adjust to auditory and visual experiences Repeated exposure to stimuli molds a response and pathways that have not been able to respond, drop out and die, Theories of cognition Preoperational Representational thought Symbolic ability Egocentrism Irreversibility Concrete operations Decentration Reversibility Logic Conservation Relational thinking (shorter, longer) Hierarchical relationships Formal operations Flexible thinking Abstract thinking Piaget: Developmental approach Four distinct stages: Sensorimotor Six substages Reflex activity Primary circular reactions Secondary circular reactions Coordination of secondary schemes Tertiary circular reactions Mental combinations Object permanence Attachment Strong indicator of memory in infants, Social emotional development Emergence of individual emotions and personality is result of and influence on dynamic relationships with others and the environment Adapting to community norms that govern living within a society Social development: Observable behavior Emotional development: Takes place under the skin Influenced by language and cognitive development Influences on social-emotional development Heredity Culture Economics Community, Social emotional development (cont) Maternal stress and anxiety increases cortisol that crosses the placenta that affect hormonal and brain development When infants experience prolonged subtle forms of emotional deprivation (when mothers are depressed) they experience a dampening of their own emotions Fail to gain weight Lethargic Development is compromised Environmental factors that place parents at risk of being inadequate nurturers of secure attachment: Substance abuse Child abuse Underage pregnancy Low socioeconomic status Economic stressors Poverty Infant prematurity Overcrowding Absent fathers, Social emotional development (cont) Parenting affects development: Emotional resiliency develops when mothers are primarily positive Young children learn to regulate their emotions and their impulses Coercive parenting patterns lead to harsh and inconsistent consequences, leading to later social problems and emotional depression, Vygotsky: Crisis of Three: Defiant Behavior Negativism Stubbornness Obstinancy Willfulness Protest Devaluation Calls stupid or dumb Despotism Wants complete power over those around, Children with disabilities Impairment in one area can significantly alter the ability of child to initiate or respond to interactions that build or maintain social relationships, Social play Play is the medium that infants and toddlers acquire and execute social relationships Play is the work of young children Economic stability in a family contributes to more social contacts, Types of play (cognitive) Solitary play Isolation and independence Spectator play (onlooker play Parallel play Associative play Lacks organization Toys shared without regard for groups wishes Cooperative Play Games with rules 6 years of age Children learn: Truth Honesty Fair play Self-control Leadership skills, Self-help development AKA Adaptive skills Independent feeding Dressing Toileting Personal responsibilities, Independent eating and drinking skills Sucking reflex Solid pureed foods Table foods Dramatic change around 8 months Drink from cup Feed themselves finger foods Age 2 independent eaters and drinkers Use of spoon More narrow range of food preferences, Dressing skills Pull socks off Assist in dressing Pull pants up and down Zippers Dress self by 3 years, Toileting skills Muscle control not fully developed until 2 years of age Bowel movements may cause fear in child Not unusual to still use diapers at three years of age, especially if any other delays exist, Personal responsibility Pick up their toys Routines Wipe up spills Clear the table Dirty clothes in a hamper, Children With Disabilities Chapter 4: Birth Defects and Prenatal Diagnosis, Birth defects and prenatal diagnosis Upon completion of this chapter, the student will: Understand the uses and limitations of noninvasive prenatal maternal blood screening for birth defects Be knowledgeable regarding the indications for, and limitations of, first- and second-trimester evaluation of birth defects using the techniques of ultrasound, fetal MRI and ECG Be aware of techniques of amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling to determine when these invasive diagnostic tests may be indicated Be familiar with alternative reproductive techniques (IVF) and understand when couples might benefit from such technologies Learn about new noninvasive prenatal diagnosis technologies being explored Understand the psychosocial needs of families who are at risk, Birth defects and prenatal diagnosis 3% of births result in a child with a birth defect or genetic disorder Circumstances can increase risk Most affected newborns are born to couples unaware they are at risk and have no family history, Birth Defects and Prenatal Diagnosis Noninvasive prenatal maternal blood screening First-semester evaluation of birth defects Ultrasonogram Fetal magnetic resonance imaging Echocardiography Second-trimester evaluation of birth defects Invasive diagnostic tests Amniocentesis Chorionic villus sampling Alternative reproductive techniques In vitro fertilization Psychosocial needs of families at risk for having children with genetic disorders or birth defects, Prenatal diagnosis and screening Gives parents opportunity to gain information about fetus Gives parents opportunity to examine a range of family planning options Screening can occur before pregnancy or during pregnancy, Genetic Assessment 20,000 genetic disorders have been identified Genetic testing available for 2,000 genetic disorders Ethnic background Specific ethnic backgrounds have higher chance of certain gene mutations associated with genetic disorders Review of medical and pregnancy history Extended family history Presence of family birth defects and genetic disorders Unexplained infant deaths Recurrent pregnancy losses Maternal medication use Occupational or teratogen exposure Carrier screening Autosomal recessive High morbidity (disease) and mortality (death), Genetic assessment Genetics Home Reference National Library of Medicine supported database National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) Genetic Alliance A clearinghouse for information and support groups for genetic disorders, Screening evaluations during pregnancy First Trimester Ultrasound Establishes viability Determines number of fetuses Confirm placenta position 11 14 weeks can measure nuchal translucency (transparency of the fluid-filled cavity at the nape of the fetuss neck Increased nuchal translucency is associated with adverse outcomes Congenital heart disease Fetal anomalies Fetal death Down syndrome: abnormal Doppler flow in ductus venosus and tricuspid regurgitation (signs of congenital heart disease) Maternal serum (blood) screening Screening for disorders common in specific ethnic groups Cystic fibrosis Sickle cell anemia Tay Sachs Chorionic villus sampling, Screening evaluations during pregnancy First-Trimester Maternal serum screening Free beta hCG and PAPP-A at 10 14 weeks combined with ultrasound identifies 87% fetuses with Down syndrom <5% false-positive Extreme variations of free beta hCG and PAPP-A can indicate: Low birth weight Stillbirth Fetal loss Early delivery Cell-free DNA in plasma of pregnant woman Fetal DNA can be detected in background of maternal DNA, assessment fetal chromosomal abnormalities Further work needs to be done before technique is widely available for clinical use, Screening evaluations during pregnancy First trimester Chorionic villus sampling Performed 10 12 weeks Use ultrasound to guide suction through small catheter passed through cervix or aspiration via needle inserted through abdominal wall and uterus Minute biopsy of chorion (outermost membrane surrounding embryo) Consists of rapidly dividing cells Detects chromosomal abnormalities Use for enzyme assay for inborn errors of metablism Use for molecular DNA analysis to identify specific mutations that cause genetic diseases Does not detect neural tube defects such as spina bifida Safest invasive prenatal diagnostic procedure 1% risk of precedure-related pregnancy loss If performed after 10 weeks, no increased risk of causing fetal anomaly, Screening evaluations during pregnancy Second Trimester Maternal serum screening Screening sensitivity is improving but is not diagnostic AFP (low), hCG, uE3, and Inhibin A has improved detection of Down syndrome, 80% with 5% false-positive rate When combined with other indicators including maternal age, weight, race, diabetic status and number of fetuses, can assess risk for: Neural tube defects (spina bifida and anencephaly) Abdominal wall defects (gastroschisis and omphalocele) Trisomy 18 AFP high levels can be associated with multiple fetuses, gestational age greater than anticipated or higher risk for preterm delivery, stillbirth, or intrauterine loss If serum screen suggests increased risk for Down syndrome, trisomy 18 or trisomy 13, diagnostic testing is recommended, Screening Evaluations During pregnancy Second-trimester Ultrasound 18 20 weeks detects 60% of major structural anomalies Can be used to diagnose neural tube defects and abdominal wall defects (previously screened for by second-trimester serum testing) High resolution ultrasound revolutionized identification of fetal anatomic abnormalities Can be used to diagnose: Facial clefts Renal anomalies Skeletal anomalies Hydrocephalus Heart defects Other malformations Does not replace amniocentesis and CVS, Screening evaluations during pregnancy Second trimester Amniocentesis Performed at 15 18 weeks Ultrasound used to guide procedure Needle inserted below mothers umbilicus, through abdominal and uterine walls 1 2 ounces of amniotic fluid aspirated Fetal urine replaces fluid in 24 hours Pregnancy loss when performed before 14 weeks increases, higher rates of musculoskeletal deformities (club foot), and greater risk of fluid leakage CVS preferred first trimester, Screening evaluations during pregnancy Magnetic resonance imaging Used approximately 17 weeks No sedation No known risks at this time MRI of central nervous system can demonstrate presence: Corpus callosum Chiari malformation of the brain Cause of enlarged ventricles (hydrocephalus) Ultrasound identifies the risk, MRI confirms, Screening Evaluations During pregnancy Second trimester Fetal Echocardiography Congenital heart disease (CHD) most common anatomical abnormality, contributing to 1/3 of congenital anomaly deaths in childhood Targeted ultrasound performed 18 22 weeks Three- and four-dimensional studies 10 15% of infants with CHD have underlying chromosomal abnormality, Diagnostic testing of fetal cells CVS Amniocentesis To test for chromosomal analysis Biochemical analysis For inborn errors of metabolism or DNA analysis For fragile X syndrome or cystic fibrosis Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) Short pieces of DNA (called DNA probe) of known sequence can attach to a unique region on a chromosome FISH used to identify specific chromosomes or indicate small deletions of a defined region of a specific chromosome FISH used to detect microdeletions Discover of certain CHDs should prompt consideration of FISH analysis to detect 22q11.2 deletion associated with VCFS/DiGeorge Syndrome, 1 in 4,000 live births, The most sophisticated prenatal diagnostic technology cannot guarantee the birth of a typical child. 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