WebFinally, the private offended party need not fear a forfeiture of his right to file this separate civil action by prescription, in cases where during the prosecution of the criminal action and prior to its extinction, the private-offended party instituted together therewith the civil action. WebBooks. "5. Article 315 of the same Act. "2. "6. Abandoning a minor. 312. 46. 2. The law penalizes the violators with the penalty of arresto mayor and a fine ranging from PHP40,000 to PHP200, 000 or imprisonment for a minimum period of 167. SEC. SEC. "The conspiracy and proposal to commit rebellion or insurrection shall be punished respectively, by prision correccional in its maximum period and a fine which shall not exceed One million pesos (P1, 000, 000) and by prision correccional in its medium period and a fine not exceeding Four hundred thousand pesos (P400, 000).". ''If the delivery shall have been made in consideration of any price, compensation, or promise, the penalty shall in every case be imposed in its maximum period. Article 144 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. Any physician or surgeon who, in connection with the practice of his profession, shall issue a false certificate; and, "2 . being an acrobat, gymnast, rope-walker, diver, wild-animal tamer or circus manager or engaged in a similar calling, shall employ in exhibitions of these kinds children under sixteen (16) years of age who are not his children or descendants. "In the imposition of these penalties, the court shall exercise their sound discretion, without regard to the rules prescribed In Article 64. 62. By arresto menor when the offender has inflicted physical injuries which shall incapacitate the offended party for labor from one (1) to nine (9) days, or shall require medical attendance during the same period. By breaking any wall, roof, or floor or breaking any door or window. having been elected by popular election to a public office, shall refuse without legal motive to be sworn in or to discharge the duties of said office.". - In addition to the liability attaching to the offender for the commission of any other offense, the penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum period and a fine not exceeding Two hundred thousand pesos (P200, 000) shall be imposed upon any public officer or employee who shall procure a search warrant without just cause, or, having legally procured the same, shall exceed his authority or use unnecessary severity in executing the same.". - Any public officer who shall continue to exercise the duties and powers of his office, employment or commission, beyond the period provided by law. Search by legal topic. SEC. Direct assaults.- Any person or person who, without a public uprising, shall employ force or intimidation for the attainment of any of the purposes enumerated in defining the crimes of rebellion and sedition, or shall attack, employ force, or seriously intimidate or resist any person in authority or any of his agents, while engaged in the performance of official duties, or on occasion of such performance, shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods and a fine not exceeding Two hundred thousand pesos (P200, 000), when the assault is committed with a weapon or when the offender lays hand upon a person in authority. CA Penal Code 154 286. Unlawful appointments. Public officer revealing secrets of private individual. "3. "The same penalty shall be imposed upon any ecclesiastical minister who shall commit any of the offenses enumerated in the preceding paragraphs of this article, with respect to any record or document, of such character that its falsification may affect the civil status of persons.". - Any person who shall give false testimony against the defendant in any criminal case shall suffer: "1. The failure of the drawer of the check to deposit the amount necessary to cover his check within three (3) days from receipt of notice from the bank and/or the payee or holder that said check has been dishonored for lack or insufficiency of funds shall be prima facie evidence of deceit constituting false pretense or fraudulent act. 7659, is hereby further amended to read as follows: "ART. "2. Other similar coercions; (Compulsory purchase of merchandise and payment of wages by means of tokens). By reclusion temporal in its minimum period and a fine not to exceed Two million pesos (P2,000,000), if the document which has been falsified, counterfeited, or altered is an obligation or security of the Philippines. "The same penalties shall be imposed upon any person who shall pay the wages due a laborer or employee employed by him, by means of tokens or objects other than the legal tender currency of the Philippines, unless expressly requested by the laborer or employee.". 328. "3. "(c) By taking undue advantage of the signature of the offended party in blank, and by writing any document above such signature in blank, to the prejudice of the offended party or any third person. Under Article 154 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC), as amended Republic Act No. Please verify the status of the code you are researching with the state legislature or via Westlaw before relying on it for your legal Abortion practiced by a physician or midwife and dispensing of abortives. In such eases, and in connection with the accessory penalties which may be imposed and for the purpose of the other provisions of this Code, the penalty shall be termed prision mayor or reclusion temporal as the case may be. 358. 4. 51. 1) By a man who shall have carnal knowledge of a woman under any of the following circumstances: a) Through force, threat, or intimidation; b) When the offended party is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious; c) By means of fraudulent machination or grave abuse of authority; and 1060, is hereby further amended to read as follows: "ART. Prohibited transactions. 115. Acts tending to prevent the meeting of Congress and similar bodies. - The penalties of arresto mayor in its medium period to prision correccional in its minimum period, perpetual special disqualification and a fine not exceeding Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000), shall be imposed upon a public officer who. Article 287 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ART. If such value exceeds said amount, the provisions of any of the five preceding- subdivisions shall be made applicable. Please verify the status of the code you are researching with the state legislature or via Westlaw before relying on it for your legal "The fine shall be graduated in such ease by the value of the thing: Provided, That it shall not be less than Ten thousand pesos (P 10,000).". 3815, as amended, otherwise known as the Revised Penal Code. Unlawful use of means of publication and unlawful utterances.- The penalty of arresto mayor and a fine ranging from Forty thousand pesos (P40, 000) to Two hundred thousand pesos (P200, 000) shall be imposed upon: "1. Other Offenses Against Public Justice Section 154. Article 289 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ART. 818, is hereby further amended to read as follows: "ART. WebBy means of inundation, fire, poison, explosion, shipwreck, stranding of a vessel, derailment or assault upon a street car or locomotive, fall of an airship, by means The penalty of prision correccional, if the defendant shall have been sentenced to any other afflictive penalty: and. ''2nd. By arresto menor. Separability Clause. - Should any provision of this Act be declared invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and subsisting. 2. [REPUBLIC ACT NO. Disobedience to summons issued by Congress, its committees or subcommittees, by the Constitutional Commissions, its committees, subcommittees or divisions.- The penalty of arresto mayor or a fine ranging from Forty thousand pesos (P40, 000) to Two hundred thousand pesos (P200, 000), or both such fine and imprisonment, shall be imposed upon any person who, having been duly summoned to attend as a witness before Congress, its special or standing committees and subcommittees, the Constitutional Commissions and its committees, subcommittees, or divisions, or before any commission or committee chairman or member authorized to summon witnesses, refuses, without legal excuse to obey such summons or being present before any such legislative or constitutional body or official, refuses to be sworn or placed under affirmation or to answer any legal inquiry or to produce any books, papers, documents, or records in his possession, when required by them to do so in the exercise of their functions. Any public officer or employee who, 1. Article 239 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. - The penalty of prision mayor or a fine ranging from Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000) to Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000), or both such imprisonment and fine, shall be imposed upon: "1. SEC. Removal, concealment, or destruction of documents. SEC. 83. 4202 ; is hereby further amended to read as follows: "ART. Disobeying request for disqualification: - Any public officer who, before the question of jurisdiction is decided, shall continue any proceeding after having been lawfully required to refrain from so doing, shall be punished by arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000).". . Theories of Personality (Gregory J. Feist) Principios de Anatomia E Fisiologia (12a. 34. 216. 3815, December 8, 1930), Article 6; Revised Penal Code (An Act Revising the Penal Code and other Penal Laws No. The penalty of reclusion temporal in its minimum and medium periods, if the amount of the fraud is over Two million four hundred thousand pesos (P2,400.000) but does not exceed Four million four hundred thousand pesos (P4,400,000). 11. WebArticle 154 covers only untruthful news which may endanger the public order, or cause damage to the interest or credit of the state. If the threat be made in writing or through a middleman, the penalty shall be imposed in its maximum period. WebRevised Penal Code (An Act Revising the Penal Code and other Penal Laws No. be published, shall suffer the penalties of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods, perpetual special disqualification and a fine not exceeding Four hundred thousand pesos (P400,000) if the revelation of such secrets or the delivery of such papers shall have caused serious damage to the public interest: otherwise, the penalties of prision correccional in its minimum period, temporary special, disqualification and a fine not exceeding One hundred thousand pesos (P100.000) shall be imposed.". 39. "Any person who shall destroy or damage any useful or ornamental painting of a public nature shall suffer the penalty of arresto menor or a fine not exceeding Forty thousand pesos (P40,000), or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.". Any person who, for profit or gain, shall interpret dreams, make forecasts, tell fortunes, or take advantage of the credulity of the public in any other similar manner, shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor or a fine not exceeding Forty thousand pesos (P40,000).". "(b) By resorting to some fraudulent, practice to insure success in a gambling game. SEC. The penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period to reclusion temporal in its minimum period, if the amount involved is more than One million two hundred thousand pesos (P1,200,000) but does not exceed Two million four hundred thousand pesos (P2,400.000). 59. - Any person who shall inflict upon another physical injuries not described in the preceding articles, but which shall incapacitate the offended party for labor for ten (10) days or more, or shall require medical assistance for the same period, shall be guilty of less serious physical injuries and shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor. The penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period, if the amount of the fraud is over One million two hundred thousand pesos (P 1,200,000) but does not exceed Two million four hundred thousand pesos (P2,400,000). Slander by deed. 88. 281. 347. Article 268 of the same Act. False testimony in civil cases. Retroactive Effect. Anticipation of duties of a public office. Article 331 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. 28. The penalty of reclusion temporal in its maximum period, if the amount involved is more than Four million four hundred thousand pesos (P4,400,000) but does not exceed Eight million eight hundred thousand pesos (P8,800,000). having charge of the rearing or education of a minor, shall deliver said minor to a public institution or other persons, without the consent of the one who entrusted such, child to his care or in the absence of the latter, without the consent of the proper authorities., "The same penalty shall be imposed upon the parents who shall neglect their children by not giving them the education which their station in life requires and financial condition permits."'. SEC. "Other persons participating therein shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its maximum period and a fine not exceeding One million pesos (P1, 000, 000).". Theft of the property of the National Library and National Museum. SEC. 53. SEC. Intercalating any instrument or note relative to the issuance thereof in a protocol, registry, or official book. - Any person who,, by means of violence, shall seize anything belonging to his debtor for the purpose of applying the same to the payment of the debt, shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor in its minimum period and a fine equivalent to the value of the thing, but in no case less than Fifteen thousand pesos (Pl5,000). Fine.- When afflictive, correctional, or light penalty.- A fine, whether imposed as a single or as an alternative penalty, shall be considered an afflictive penalty, if it exceeds One million two hundred thousand pesos (P1, 200, 000); a correctional penalty, if it does not exceed One million two hundred thousand pesos (P1, 200, 000) but is not less than Forty thousand pesos (P40, 000); and a light penalty, if be less than Forty thousand pesos (P40, 000).". - Any public officer who unlawfully leaves or attempts to leave the Philippines without securing a certificate from the Commission on Audit showing that his accounts have been finally settled, shall be punished by arresto mayor, or a fine ranging from Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) to Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000), or both.". SEC. By arresto menor in its minimum period or a fine not exceeding Five thousand pesos (P5,000) when the offender shall ill-treat another by deed without causing any injury.". "In either case, the guardian or curator convicted shall also be removed from office as guardian or curator; and in the case of the parents of the child, they may be deprived, temporarily or perpetually, in the discretion of the court, of their parental authority. - For the purpose of this article, women who, for money or profit, habitually indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct, are deemed to be prostitutes. 299, 300, and 302 of this Code, when the property taken is mail matter or large cattle, the offender shall suffer the penalties next higher in degree than those provided in said articles.". Making and importing and uttering false coins. Article 151 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. SEC. Section 2. WebA person who makes arrangements or provisions of any kind for the trafficking of women, or infants and young persons, is guilty of organization of traffic in persons, a Class 8 serious offence, punishable with a definite term of imprisonment of not less than 3 years and not more than 5 years. Article 235 of the same Act, as amended by Executive Order No. 209. 154. 19. 26. "'3rd. SEC. SEC. Article 202 of the same Act. - Any person who, by reckless imprudence, shall commit any act which, had it been intentional, would constitute a grave felony, shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its medium period; if it would have constituted a less grave felony, the penalty of arresto mayor in its minimum and medium periods shall be imposed; if it would have constituted a light felony, the penalty of arresto menor in its maximum period shall be imposed. Forging treasury or bank notes or other documents payable to bearer; Importing, and uttering such false or forged notes and documents. - The penalty of prision mayor and a fine not to exceed One million pesos (P1,000,000) shall be imposed upon any public officer, employee, or notary who, taking- advantage of his official position, shall falsify a document by committing any of the following acts: "1. SEC. 5. SEC. Betrayal of trust by an attorney or solicitor. an act repealing article 247 of act no. Slight physical injuries and maltreatment. 357. ", "Whenever less serious physical injuries shall have been inflicted with the manifest intent to insult or offend the injured person, or under circumstances adding ignominy to the offense, in addition to the penalty of arresto mayor, a fine not exceeding Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000) shall be imposed., "Any less serious physical injuries inflicted upon the offenders parents, ascendants, guardians, curators, teachers, or persons of rank, or persons in authority, shall be punished by prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods: Provided, That in the case of persons in authority, the deed does not constitute the crime of assault upon such persons.. Article 357 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ART. "2. 74, Article 288 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. Correctional and Penal Institutions Section 217.345. Possession of prohibited interest by a public officer. 178. if such value does not exceed Forty thousand pesos (P40,000). Under Article 154 of the Revised Penal Code, a person who causes the publication of any false news which may endanger the public order, or cause If the amount exceeds the latter, the penalty shall be reclusion perpetua. - Any person who shall give false testimony in favor of the defendant in a criminal case, shall suffer the penalties of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum period and a fine not to exceed Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000), if the prosecution is for a felony punishable by an afflictive penalty, and the penalty of arresto mayorin any other case.". Article 178 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. By prision mayor in its maximum period and a fine not to exceed One million pesos (P1,000,000), if the falsified or altered document is a circulating note issued by any banking association duly authorized by law to issue the same. SEC. Article 171 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. SEC. 93. If any closed or sealed receptacle, as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, has been removed, even if the same be broken open elsewhere. Slight illegal detention. Orders or requests by executive officers to any judicial authority. 277. Web"Any person found guilty of any of the offenses covered by this article shall be punished by arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos, and in case of recidivism, by arresto mayor in its medium period to prision correctional in its minimum period or a fine ranging from 200 to 2,000 pesos, or both, in the discretion of the court." Article 219 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ART. 114. Article 276 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ART, 276. "4. and in case of recidivism, by arresto mayor in its medium period to prision correccional in its minimum period or a fine ranging from Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000) to Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000), or both, in the discretion of the court.". Unlawful arrest. The Revised Penal Code of the Philippines. SEC. Any person who shall maliciously publish or cause to be published any official resolution or document without proper authority, or before they have been published officially; or "4. Using fictitious name and concealing true name, - The penalty of arresto mayor and a fine not to exceed One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000) shall be imposed upon any person who shall publicly use a fictitious name for the purpose of concealing a crime, evading the execution of a judgment or causing damage. SEC. OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS [25 - 680] CHAPTER 7. Unlawful use of means of publication and unlawful utterances. Article 309 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. SEC. SEC. shall be suspended from such office or employment until he shall have complied with the respective formalities and shall be fined from Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) to One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000).". Correctional and Penal Institutions Section 217.265. SECTION 1. 124. Any person who within any town or public place, shall discharge any firearm, rocket, firecracker. 65. Get the information FindLaw / Codes / Missouri / Title XIII. 60. 3999, is hereby further amended to read as follows: "ART. SEC. exceeding Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) and censure shall be imposed upon any person, who, by simple imprudence or negligence, shall cause some wrong which, if done maliciously, would have constituted a light felony. Correctional and Penal Institutions Section 217.345. - Any robbery committed in an uninhabited place or in a building other than those mentioned in the first paragraph of Article 299 if the value of the property taken exceeds Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000), shall be punished by prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods provided that any of the following circumstances is present: "1. Light coercions. "2. SEC. SEC. '"Any physician or surgeon or pub he officer who, in violation of the duties of his profession or office - shall cooperate in the execution of any of the crimes mentioned in the two (2) next preceding paragraphs, shall suffer the penalties therein prescribed and also the penalty of temporary special disqualification.". "5th. Inciting to sedition.- The penalty of prision correccional in its maximum period and a fine not exceeding Four hundred thousand pesos (P400, 000) shall be imposed upon any person who, without taking any direct part in the crime of sedition, should incite others to the accomplishment of any of the acts which constitute sedition, by means of speeches, proclamations, writings, emblems, cartoons, banners, or other representations tending to the same end, or upon any person or persons who shall utter seditious words or speeches, write, publish, or circulate scurrilous libels against the Government, or any of the duly constituted authorities thereof, or which tend to disturb or obstruct any lawful officer in executing the functions of his office, or which tend to instigate others to cabal and meet together for unlawful purposes, or which suggest or incite rebellious conspiracies or riots, or which lead or tend to stir up the people against the lawful authorities or to disturb the peace of the community, the safety and order of the Government, or who shall knowingly conceal such evil practices.". 25. without being included in the provisions of the next preceding article, shall threaten another with a weapon, or draw such weapon in a quarrel, unless it be in lawful self-defense. Article 302 of the same Act, as amended by Commonwealth Act No. - Any public officer who, by reason of the duties of his office, is accountable for public funds or property, shall appropriate the same, or shall take or misappropriate or shall consent, through abandonment or negligence, shall permit any other person to take such public funds or property, wholly or partially, or shall otherwise be guilty of the misappropriation or malversation of such funds or property, shall suffer: "1. "If the value of the gain cannot be ascertained, a fine from Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) to One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000) shall be imposed.". 55. Article 154 does not cover all news which may be shown to be false. The RPC covers only false news which may endanger the public order, or cause damage to the interest or credit of the State. Fake news affecting individuals, on the other hand, may be covered by other laws or provisions of the RPC, including libel . 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