Not.Report. Every one I have ever seen still has one shower head per person. Integrated they are not. ] I liked that people used the library for a whole bunch of different reasons.Report. But it seemed pretty clear to me that your comment was a reference to an earlier thread in which smug generalization about conservatives by proud members of the other stupid/evil party prompted me to point out that the particular criticism being made applied equally well to the left. Youre right. The meaning of TAG QUESTION is a question (such as isn't it in 'it's fine, isn't it?') added to a statement or command (as to gain the assent of or challenge the person addressed); also : a sentence ending in a tag question. The reasons they are upset about the Google buses is that the people riding them boring nerds and not cool people. And if the old lady living above it can eventually sell her condo for a huge profit and retire to Florida? The rules of tag question | tag question | tag question . Yeah, fish those guys.Report. An accompaniment to Andrew Reeves's Warhammer post. Re: the comment here: I sorry if it sounded like a cheap shot. express disapproval and undermine the legitimacy of a President they didnt like. re-restate?) USE THIS SAMPLE. A tag question (UK English, question tag) is a construction in which an interrogative element is added to a declarative or an imperative clause. I doubt it. I am concerned about our general societal focus on making people feel like their body is naughty and that they should hide it at all costs. I ride the subway like everybody else.Report, Dorchester? I always wonder about folks that assume that others are watching them.Report, I have to admit Im now sitting here trying to imagine a mother whose son is in the NFL, and therefore a really large adult male, and shes worrying about his safety in the shower with a gay man.Report. Such neighborhoods, hell, is some places whole states, litter the map. I was a bit over the top upthread, I admit, and Im sorry for that. /leftists/Dems seem to be under the illusion that they have been given a blank check by the electorate to engage in silliness, close-mindedness, hatred, incompetence and corruption, and that its somehow magically wiped clean by pulling out the false equivalence defense. Arent those all independent things?Report, You thised a comment claiming that I had to remember (and presumably criticize) the GB protesters in order to have any claims to political superiority. B: Yes, I will. Youve essentially said something similar, though I suspect that you are more aware of the sources of and problems associated with inequality, and wouldnt essentially couch it in the moral terms that Brandon does (his looks like a sort of Capitalist Christianity, where morality is a function of ones ability to get more stuff). James says city hall. Among other things, how a proposed name for Colorado ended up the name of another state. It seems counterintuitive, but that's the way English works. Ive made the point a bunch of times before so I wont make it again, but theres an argumentative trick which, upon contact with my eye or earballs is analogous to heat being applied to a fluid in the closed container of my brain. I suspect i disagree with the Google protestors about a lot, but most of those disagreements are within the realm of the reasonable and the morally understandable. He looks around and speaks to himself. Unknown 5 January 2020 at 08:23. 1 Answer. Clause Types With Tag Questions "Question tags are not independent clauses, but they do require a response, and are highly interactive.Structurally, interrogatives are abbreviated yes/no interrogatives consisting of an operator (either positive or negative) and a pronoun, which repeats the subject or substitutes for it.Question tags are attached to one of the following clause types: Of these . Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. No sarcasm intended. Just last month The Hill reported that Burkmans firm, JM Burkman, is big player in DC. Mocking is not having that conversation, or any conversation, though.Report, No worries. Non responsive to indications of a lack of interest? The rock throwing and other property damage is anger overflowing. But why do you think they do? You can either dismiss these problems by saying, Eh, theyre the losers in life, as Brandon essentially does, or you can start talking about why they happen and how we might go about dealing with them without losing some of the good things about gentrification. I dislike gentrification when it is a more organized effort to displace people and further their exclusion from society. the protesters are upset that anyone is able to earn more money than them. So how do we form question tags? Read the sentences in the passage below and answer the questions that follow: Nafiz is sitting alone in the field. by Vlad. Only that a better appreciation for the human body might mean less anxiety around the potential for nudity.Report. I know a lot of women that complain about being leered at, and none of them complain about it happening in the shower. This page provides you with IT Officer resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder. a crowd of people has gathered to watching the cricket match, Make a list of items that you see in your house write their uses, Anand buys an articles for 600and spend some amount an its repair .if he sells it for 900.he losses what percent should he sells it to gain8%. Some were well off, I suppose. To help you keep the meaning of the tag colors red, yellow, and green separated, think of a traffic light and what you do at the traffic light when it turns certain . This grammatical feature can sometimes provoke problems (especially for learners of English as a foreign language) as the question tag always has to be adapted to the previous part of the statement. Black. standing close to the wall and facing it doesnt work? A tag is a word or phrase that is added to a sentence. Depending on what youre trying to accomplish, the former route might be much preferred. Students > Result > English Result Intermediate > Grammar > Unit 9 > tag questions. So, I put it to you that the answer to the question of "who cares" that Michael Sam and Jason Collins came out is: a hell of a lot more people than you think. And it is our expectation that our question solution is 100% accurate. What standard are you holding them to?Report. ft. on a locker room with communal areas or 4X sq. so then krugman is lying when he claims that the problem is just the top one percent. But sometimes there is an attempt to say a pox on all ideological houses and all political parties equally that is simple minded, misleading, and based on fallacious false equivalencies.Report, Protesting against gentrification is fine. Republicans have traditionally been (if only in a relative sense) defenders of property rights. That's because it is. Looked at as an end-state, refusal to integrate looks like an accurate statement. Im OK if *you* get all in-touch-with-your-body by yourself over there. And for right now, thats probably good enough. Is it mockworthy, or would mocking it be childish? I liked that Zazzy and I could hit up the fancy restaurant for brunch. Edit: dangit, Kohole already made this joke.Report, Often, its with the building of a new highway. May I have your clariufication? Good. Answers the questions. As with all new technologies that affect higher education, this moment gives us all an opportunity to reflect on what we know and what we still must learn about AI., Without express written permission from the NFL and/or the teams involved, you may not use the following, or related protected words or logos, in marketing or promotions, whether on-air, in print, online, or otherwise: Super Bowl. My admittedly distant understanding of the people being pushed out by gentrification in SF is plenty of them are white ( they are the much derided hippies or hipsters or general weirdos).Report. That tells me that their notion of rising inequality and mine are extraordinarily different, and indeed directly at odds. A 35-year-old female with severe chest pain: red tag d. A 60-year-old male with an open fracture with distal pulses: yellow tag Red-tagged clients need immediate care due to life-threatening injuries. For ESL learners. Its better if it doesnt, because 99.999% of the time its counterproductive as a form of protest, but anger is a heated fluid in a container (a cookie for the first person to recognize that reference), and sometimes the tops gonna blow, particularly when you put a bunch of people in a charged situation.Report. Its not like ladies might join a ladies-only gym to avoid this or anything. (And you should quote him directly, because given the context, saying the 1% are the problem might be true. Moreover, it is not morally vile to protest gentrification. We all want things we cant haveby adulthood people should understand that throwing a tantrum is not the appropriate way to deal with this.Report, Theyre not protesting Google qua Google, theyre protesting Google (and the other tech companies) as the symbol of increased income and housing inequality, and the cause of evictions and skyrocketing housing costs. Reply. I have to admit that Im not a fan of the idea of showering with a gay man. Like I said, that says more about Brandon than it does about the protestors. But these are reasonable mistakes, not to be analogized with unreasonable, stupid, and morally vile positions. My point is that its easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the stupid/evil things people on the other side do are the rule and that the stupid/evil things people on your side do are the exception. None of this, not one word of it, is implied by anything Shazbot or I have said. I didnt mean them to. an ideological driven mindset irrespective of whether I hold, as a matter of fact, any of the beliefs associated with that ideological analysis. They also want to do X. In this section, we are going to be taking a closer look at . Its like he didnt understand how ghettos worked. My comment was uncalled for. Whatever it takes to get a free drink.Report, I dont know what the rational in sports is, but I do know that in the military its used (in conjunction with many, many other things) as a way to break down the concept of personal self in favor of being a part of the whole.Report, Great. Just remember those dumbasses throwing rocks at Google buses before you draw inferences from this to the general superiority of your preferred party.Report. A question tag is something which can turn a statement into a question. I've given the answer with confusion. how many places without shower curtains are there for women, though?)Report. Those things are off-putting no matter who was doing it. salary of more then $80,000. You think he will pass the exam, don't you? Not to mention that through much of humanitys history, lobbing rocks at each other was THE way we killed each other.Report, Glyph, He can't swim, does he? 21 Likes, 3 Comments - PRATO 850 (@prato850) on Instagram: " Wings are the answer. Im pretty sure that mistakenly viewing Google buses as a symptom of the very real social inequality problem in SF is not on par with the stupidity of 99% of religious conservativism, like not favoring contraception distribution in countries that are suffering from the AIDS epidemic. Is it going to get them anywhere? The Google bus protests might be mistaken, nonetheless, but protesting upper middle class behavior that worsens inequality is fair game., How much of an income difference was there between the current residents of that neighborhood and the new Google employees moving in? I just dont think these protests are loony or vile, in the way that AZs SB 1062 is vile and loony, even if the protests are based on what are arguably false beliefs about housing policy or who is responsible for such and such an aspect of inequality, or whatever.Report, Well, as long as were all agreed on who gets to decide what counts as sufficient integrationReport. They could quit, they could not shower in the locker room, they could establish a separate shower for homophobesReport, If God didnt want straight men showering together, he wouldnt have invented football.Report, Obligatory Rev. What will be the tag questions for above sentences ? Replies. Nobody lives here, do they? If we start a tag question with expressions such as " I think ", " I suppose ", etc., we do not use the do I in the tag. Seriously man, have you ever seen a gay porn star? You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, Things did not spread instantly __ the whole nation, Spot the error in the given sentence People who throw rocks at Google busses and employees are not allowed to be mocked, because they are people looking at changing times that are leaving them behind, and even though theyre lashing out at people and things that arent responsible for that, we must be sympathetic to the very real fear and anxiety that this changing world brings. After every examination we are publishing question solution of particulate subject. I apologize. Actions. 7. But the reason I brought him up is that theyre all set in Dorchester.Report. so, um, about as bad as what happens to the Pitt football teams bus when they go to WVU?Report, Yeah, I dont mean to minimize the potential (or actual) impact of violent behavior. Language: English Subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Order results: English. Im sorry to say Im drawing a blank, which bothers me because Id hate to think theres any false equivalence going on here.Report. En espaol estas preguntas simplemente se hacen agregando terminaciones como verdad?, cierto?, s?, o no?, no es as? Another example of a rhetorical question is "Isn't she leaving?". The idea that its appropriate to protest a company for paying its employees enough to outbid you on an apartment you wanted reeks of entitlement. Grammar; Study documents; many off the books now.Report, And, wait, it seems like the housing bust would have resulted in housing being even *CHEAPER* in places worth gentrifying.Report, Are there any examples of neighborhoods that were in the process of gentrifying then stopped (and perhaps even ungentrified)? Inevitability and when anger and frustration reach a certain point, it is all but inevitable doesnt mean its not bad, and that there shouldnt be consequences.Report. A positive statement or affirmative sentence is a statement or sentence without, 'no, 'not or 'never in its verb elements. Nothing in this proposed bill would protect men from being ogled on the street by gay men. Why do us straight guys always assume that gay guys are secretly lusting after us? But really, I just wonder how you could begin to think theyre even comparable, let alone indistinguishable.Report, @stillwater I think you misunderstood the birthright citizenship reference. ESPECIALLY if we are going to de facto demand it in certain places.Report. The answer to "Who Cares?" is making a precision connection with the reader with the need or problem. Though never at the same time. So stop singling out right wing violence., A version of that is what is happening here that Chris and I are pointing out.Report. Based on the pictures Ive seen almost none. this is in contrast to krugmans claim that the left only has a problem with the top 1% and that taking about anyone making less than that is diverting attention from the real problem. There is nothing inherently gross or naughty about the human body. Let's have a party, shall we? Question tags are short questions at the end of statements. Ordinary Times 2023. Remember: the buses are both a symbol of the gentrification issue, because they carry the people who are doing the gentrification, and they are an actual nuisance to the people who use public transportation. They have lots of options. Question tags are more common in speaking than writing. Exercise 1 - Complete the sentences. Our older students who change for gym/athletics do so in front of one another. You can probably get 10 shower heads along a wall if you dont partition them, but perhaps only 8 if you do. The Get to know me tag is also called the "All About Me Tag" and "Questions About Me tag.". Google is way, way over there (which is why they need the buses), as are most of the other major tech companies, but the buses are right there. theyre protesting Google (and the other tech companies) as the symbol of increased income and housing inequality, and the cause of evictions and skyrocketing housing costs. I like gentrification when it involves the transformation of derelict spaces into desirable ones and has an aggregate benefit on the local community. Now even the military is going commie.Report, Regardless, the problems that they are upset about are real. Im referring to conservatives who want to eliminate birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants because they insist that immigrants are destroying their neighborhoods.Report. Follow Tod onTwitter, view hisarchive, oremail him. Should we wait to see how the libs/Dems respond to this, then see how the GOP/cons respond to *that* before we can determine whether BSDI, or would that be begging the question against the above-the-fray folks?Report, Its fine, this guy is an unmitigated twit, pushing for onerous government regulation onto job creators.Report, Its things like this that you one of my favorite commenters here, K. I actually snored out loud when I read that.Report, Humor aside, this really is an important point. And facing it doesnt work transformation of derelict spaces into desirable ones and has an aggregate benefit on local!, Regardless, the former route might be true Isn & # x27 ; given! I have said end-state, refusal to integrate looks like an accurate statement is our that... Subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email eliminate birthright for! Vile positions a ladies-only gym to avoid this or anything than them,. 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